IAM in Google Cloud
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IAM answers the question of who can do what on which resource.
Permissions: fine-grained access control on a resource
- Roles: a collection of permissions determining what a user can do
- We have a few predefined roles but we can also create custom ones.
- Members (or Identities): a unique ID associated with the account.
- Google accounts, service accounts, groups, cloud identity (get identity even if you don't have a google account)
- Policies: The Cloud IAM policy binds one or more members to a role.
- When you want to define who (member) has what type of access (role) on a resource, you create a policy and attach it to the resource.
- Together member and role make up the policy which is then applied to the resource.
- Resources: fundamental components of all Google Cloud services.
- IAM policies can be attached to any of the resources in the resource hierarchy.
- This means it can be attached to an organisation, folder, project or an individual resource.
- IAM policies can be attached to any of the resources in the resource hierarchy.
Groups: Help manage users at scale.
Since projects are the logical grouping of resources they are the main attachment point for the policies.
Members, roles & policies
- Service accounts are created to represent non human users.
What would you do if want applications to act on resources on your behalf?
- Create a service account for the application
- Grant it access to google APIs
- We can then grant groups of people access to this service account which can be easily revoked.
- Different types of roles:
- Primitive roles: which include the Owner, Editor, and Viewer roles that existed prior to the introduction of Cloud IAM.
- Predefined roles: which provide granular access for a specific service and are managed by GCP.
- Custom roles: which provide granular access according to a user-specified list of permissions.
You need to create keys for service accounts only if you want to use it from on- prem machines.
If you are assigning service accounts to google resources (like compute) you don't need keys.
We have a resource hierarchy: Organisation -> Folder -> Project -> VM/resource
- Suppose if have many buckets in our cloud storage.
- If we want a service account to have to have admin access over all the buckets in the project then we give it a role of storage admin and then add it as a member to the project.
- Now by the property of inheritance it will have admin access over all the buckets in the project.
- If we want it to have admin access over only a particular bucket we can go to the permissions section of the bucket and add the service account roles there.
- So always apply the permissions at the lowest level. For example on the bucket.
- The effective policy of a resource is the union of policies set on that resource and the policies inherited from the hierarchy.
- If you a viewer policy on a member at the resource level but they have editor access on the project level then the editor access will be applied to them.
Best practices:
- Avoid primitive roles.
- Follow the principle of least privilege.
Query evaluation:
- Alice wants to delete bucket A
Conditions specify when policy bindings should apply.
How to modify a policy: Get-Modify-Set flow
- Always submit the whole IAM policy.
Creating a service account using CLI
gcloud iam service-accounts create <name>
- For the above command to work we will also need
permission. - A new service account will be created with no roles assigned to it.
- Get the IAM policy of all the members of the project:
gcloud projects get-iam-policy <project-name>
List the roles associated with a service account in a project
Getting cloud storage iam-policy
gsutil iam get gs://<bucket-name>
- This won't list the inherited policies.
- So if you have a policy at the project level it won't be listed here.
Get and set iam-policy support is much better in SDK
- Each project is assigned a globally unique ID.
is the command line utility to interact with resources.- It can be used to to manage almost all google cloud resources.
- Some GCP services have specific tools like
: storagebq
: big querykubectl
: k8s clusters
is a part of google cloud SDK- We can see the version of the CLI tools that were installed with the gcloud SDK using:
gcloud --version
- Initialise or reinitialise gcloud:
gcloud init
- This will ask if you want to reinitialise the existing configuration or create a new one.
- The user id/service account, project and region that we want to use.
- List all the configs:
gcloud config list
- Service accounts don't use passwords, they use private/public RSA key pairs.
Service account types:
- Default Service Account: Automatically created when some services are used.
- (NOT RECOMMENDED) since it has Editor role by default
- User Managed: User created
- (RECOMMENDED) Provides fine grained access control.
- Google-managed service accounts: Created and managed by Google
- Used by GCP to perform operations on user's behalf
- In general, we DO NOT need to worry about them
- Default Service Account: Automatically created when some services are used.
We will be mostly making use of default and user managed service accounts
When service accounts are attached to cloud resources (like VMs) then Key generation and use are automatically handled by IAM when we assign a service account to the instance.
- Keys are automatically rotated
- No need to store credentials in config files
Service accounts and different use case scenarios
- ACLs define who has access to your buckets and objects, as well as what level of access they have
How is ACL different from IAM?
- IAM permissions apply to all objects within a bucket.
- ACLs can be used to customised specific accesses to different objects.
- User gets access if he is allowed by either IAM or ACL!
- Use IAM for common permissions to all objects in a bucket
- Use ACLs if you need to customise access to individual objects
- Two types of access controls:
- Uniform: Uniform bucket level access using IAM
- Use Uniform access when all users have same level of access across all objects in a bucket
- Fine-grained: Use IAM and ACLs to control access
- Fine grained access with ACLs can be used when you need to customise the access at an object level.
- Uniform: Uniform bucket level access using IAM
- Google Cloud IAM - Strictly for associate exam!! - YouTube
- Service Accounts in Google Cloud - IAM in GCP. - YouTube
- Chapter #8 - Cloud IAM Basics | identity & access management on google cloud platform (gcp) - YouTube
- Advanced IAM: Hacks, tips, and tricks for policy management - YouTube
- How to programatically get and assign policies to resources
- Use of etags for concurrency control.
- Creating, managing, and retiring Service Accounts - YouTube
- google cloud platform - How do I list the roles associated with a gcp service account? - Stack Overflow
Last updated: 2022-10-15