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How to use jq

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  • Shells such as Bash can’t interpret and work with JSON directly.
  • jq is a command line processor for JSON.
  • jq is built around the concept of filters that work over a stream of JSON. 
    • Each filter takes an input and emits JSON to standard out.
    • There are many predefined filters that we can use.
    • And we can effortlessly combine these filters using pipes to quickly construct and apply complex operations and transformations to our JSON data.

Prettify JSON

  • echo '{"fruit":{"name":"apple","color":"green","price":1.20}}' | jq '.'
  • jq '.' fruit.json
  • Being able to prettify JSON is particularly useful when we want to retrieve data from an API and see the response in a clear, readable format.

Accessing properties

  • We can access property values by using another simple filter: the .field operator. 
  • To find a property value, we simply combine this filter followed by the property name.
    • jq '.fruit' fruit.json
  • We can also chain property values together, allowing us to access nested objects
    • jq '.fruit.color' fruit.json
  • If we need to retrieve multiple keys, we can separate them using a comma
    • jq '.fruit.color,.fruit.price' fruit.json
If one of the properties has spaces or special characters, we need to wrap the property name in quotes when accessing it from the jq command.

echo '{ "with space": "hello" }' | jq '."with space"'


  • Iterating over an array
    • jq '.[]'
  • Sample JSON
        name: apple,
        color: green,
        price: 1.2
        name: banana,
        color: yellow,
        price: 0.5
        name: kiwi,
        color: green,
        price: 1.25
  • Extract the name of each fruit from each object in the array

    • jq '.[] | .name' fruits.json
    • First, we iterate over the array using .[].
      • Then we can pass each object in the array to the next filter in the command using a pipe |.
      • The last step is to output the name field from each object using .name
    • Slightly more concise version: jq '.[].name' fruits.json
  • Accessing by index

    • jq '.[1].price' fruits.json

Last updated: 2022-08-30