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Difference between sharding and partitioning

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Database sharding and partitioning

  • Each database server is a shard and we say that the data is partitioned.
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Shard is at a database level and partitioning is at a data level.

So we always shard a database and partition (split) the data.

  • We can have 5 mutually exclusive partitions and have them in one database server (shard).
    • Partition is only operating on the data level.
    • We can have multiple database servers (shard) for the partitioned data.
    • So if we have 2 shards then we can split the 5 partitions across these 2 shards.
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  • When the request comes first we need to know in which partition does the data lie and then depending on which partition holds the data we would be forwarding the request to the corresponding shard.
  • Due to partitioning we can operate on small sets of data.
If for some reason in the above example partition A is getting a lot of traffic and it is affecting the performance of partition C then we can move partition C to shard 2.

This is also known as load balancing across partitions. This is the advantage of partitioning data. We can move it between shards.

  • There are 2 types of partitioning:

    • Horizontal partitioning: operates at row or table level
    • Vertical partitioning: operates at column level
  • Partitioning depends on a lot of things like the load, use case and the access pattern.

  • Simple example to remember difference between sharding and partitioning:
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    • Important to note that when we have sharding and no partitioning then it is equivalent to having a read replica.
      • Read replica is for high reads
    • Example where you would partition the data but not shard it: Suppose you have 2 logical databases in one mysql server you can partition them.
    • The case where we partition and shard the database is for high write throughput.
So we shard the database when we want to handle large read and writes.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of sharding and partitioning
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Last updated: 2023-01-10