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Designing Idempotent APIs

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Designing Idempotent APIs

  • An idempotent request is a request that you can be retried multiple times without having side effects in the backend.
    • For example GET is always an idempotent method.
    • No matter how many GET calls you make it is not going to change anything.

Why do we need idempotent APIs?

  • We want to have resiliency in our APIs i.e. if something goes wrong it automatically recovers from failures.
  • To achieve this we use different retry mechanisms like exponential backoff.
So what is the problem of retries for non idempotent APIs?
  • Potential problem of no response back to the client from the backend due to a network issue but request was sent to the database by the backend and an entry was created.
  • We might end up with multiple entries with the same data incase of retries from the client.
  • The pre requisite for retries is an Idempotent API.
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Ways of creating idempotent APIs

  • Passing the input arguments of the request through a hash function and storing the output in a database and then comparing the subsequent requests with the hash.
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    • One con of doing it this way is that if you wanted to create 2 resources of the same kind intentionally you wouldn't be able to do it.
  • Another way of doing it is that the client generates a unique token and uses it for the request or any other subsequent retries.
    • We can mitigate the above con using this approach since we would be generating a new token for creating another resource.
    • One important thing is that we need to return syntactically identical response.
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Last updated: 2023-01-30