How to use Tmux
Links: 200 home
- Install tmux using any package manager
- Install tmux package manager (TPM) by cloning it from the following link: tmux-plugins/tpm: Tmux Plugin Manager (
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- We can create the tmux config file at either
- With the below configuration we will have a package manager for tmux and a sensible configuration to get started with.
Basic Idea¶
- Tmux consists of 3 mains objects: sessions, windows and panes.
- Sessions are the top most layer in tmux and are a collection of one or more windows.
- We can have any number of sessions open at a time but only attached to one.
- Each session has a single active window (denoted by a *).
- Windows are a container to one or more panes.
- Panes are split in the window and represent individual terminals.
Shortcut | Result |
Prefix + c | Create a new window in a session |
Prefix + n/p | To move between windows next/previous |
Prefix + & | Kill a window |
Prefix + % | Create a vertical pane |
Prefix + " | Create a horizontal pane |
Prefix + arrow keys | Navigate panes |
Prefix + q | Panes have numbers which can be toggled using this. Pressing the number will switch us to that pane |
Prefix + z | Zooming into the pane to take whole window |
Prefix + ! | Turn a pane into a window |
Prefix + x | Close the pane. Just closing the shell will also work |
Prefix + s | List tmux sessions |
Prefix + w | Preview windows for each session and attach to a session by pressing enter |
- Another way of killing the window is by killing all the panes inside it.
Extra plugins¶
- Vim tmux navigator to navigate around panes using vim key bindings
Set -g @plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
Last updated: 2023-04-28