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CSS Tailwind CSS

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Tailwind CSS

  • Tailwind is similar to inline CSS but we can have media queries in tailwind.
    • We CANNOT have media queries in simple inline CSS.
  • We already have breakpoints predefined by tailwind.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20230320131256.jpg
    • md: text-green-100 means apply this style only when the screen size is greater than md.
      • It is similar to min-width media query.
  • We can customize tailwind using tailwind.config.js.
  • If we want to add custom colours to tailwind then we have to use tailwind.config.js
    • theme -> extend -> colors
If we don't nest colours inside extend then it will overwrite all the colours.

Extend is like append and it keeps the original configuration.

  • w-2/3 means a width of 66%.
    • w-full means 100%.
    • w-auto means auto width.
  • For adding equal spacing using margins between child elements to separate them out we can use space-y-2 (vertical spacing) or space-x-2 (horizontal spacing).
    • This doesn't work well with grid and flexbox.
      • Use gap in grid and flexbox.
  • Responsive design: Responsive Design – Tailwind CSS v2.0: From Zero to Production - YouTube
We can show and hide elements depending on our layout. For example there may be something that looks good in the desktop version but we may not want it in mobile.

We can do it in tailwind using <div class="hidden lg:flex"> So this particular div will be hidden for all breakpoints before lg and then become flex when the minimum width is lg.

This is also useful for hamburger menus. When we get to a smaller screen size we would want our normal navigation div to disappear. <div class="hidden md:block">: once we reach to a screen size of md change its display from hidden to block.

Last updated: 2023-03-20