Lambda Monitoring
Links: 114 AWS SOA Index
CloudWatch Metrics¶
- Invocations - number of times your function is invoked (success/failure)
- Duration - amount of time your function spends processing an event
- Errors - number of invocations that result in a function error
- Throttles - number of invocation requests that are throttled (no concurrency available)
- DeadLetterErrors - number of times Lambda failed to send an event to a DLQ (async invocations)
- IteratorAge - time between when a Stream receives a record and when the Event Source Mapping sends the event to the function (for Event Source Mapping that reads from Stream)
- ConcurrentExecutions - number of function instances that are processing events
We can build alarms on top of these metrics.
For example if throttles > 0 then our lambdas are getting throttled or if the errors > 0 then there are function errors.
- We can use CloudWatch insights to search through all the CloudWatch logs.
Lambda Insights¶
- Collects, aggregates, and summarises:
- System-level Metrics - CPU time, memory, disk, network
- Diagnostic Information - cold starts, Lambda worker shutdowns
- It will be collected from the lambda and will be sent to lambda-insights log group.
- We must the CloudWatch Lambda extension for insights as a lambda layer.
Last updated: 2023-03-03