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Terraform HCL Commands

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HCL/Terraform Commands


  • Creating a simple file
    • attachments/Pasted image 20230102201046.jpg

resource "local_file" "pet" {
    filename = "/root/pets.txt"
    content = "Hello there"
- Argument filename is compulsory for resource type local_file. - attachments/Pasted image 20230102212727.jpg
- Some examples of AWS resources: - attachments/Pasted image 20230102212056.jpg
- attachments/Pasted image 20230102212118.jpg

  • A terraform workflow consists of 4 steps:
    • Write the configuration file.
    • Next run the terraform init command.
    • Review the execution plan using the terraform plan command.
    • Apply the changes using the terraform apply command.
  • To delete the infrastructure completely run the terraform destroy command.
  • Getting the version of modules and terraform after initialising terraform
    • terraform -v
  • terraform show: the terraform show command is used to provide human-readable output from a state or plan file.

Other Commands

  • terraform validate: To check if the syntax of the terraform files.
  • terraform fmt: Format the terraform files.
  • terraform show -json: To show the contents of the state file in json format.
  • terraform providers: To see a list of all the providers in the current configuration directory.
  • terraform output: Prints all the output variables.
    • terraform output variable_name: Printing a specific variable.
  • terraform refresh: Used to sync terraform with the real world architecture.
    • Useful when a manual update is made to the resources controlled by terraform.
    • This will only modify the state file.
    • This is automatically run by terraform plan and terraform apply.
      • We can bypass this behaviour by using -refresh=false with the above commands.
  • terraform graph: Create a visual representation of dependencies.
    • We need to pass it through a graphing tool.

Last updated: 2023-01-06