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Kubernetes Objects & Resources

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Objects and Resources

  • In Kubernetes, any item that a user creates and retains is referred to as an Object.
    • These can include various items such as namespaces, pods, deployments, volumes, or secrets.
    • Any object you create, gets stored in etcd.
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  • etcd stores all objects under the key named /registry directory.
    • For instance, details regarding a pod called Nginx in the default namespace can be retrieved by searching for /registry/pods/default/nginx.
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  • To create objects, you describe what you want (desired state) in a file using either YAML or JSON.
    • It is called a Object Specification (pod, deployment, etc definition file).
In Kubernetes, everything is accessed through APIs.
  • To create different types of objects such as pods, namespaces, configmaps etc, Kubernetes API server provides API endpoints.
    • These object-specific endpoints are called API resources or resources.
    • For example, the API endpoint used to create a pod is referred to as a Pod resource.
  • In simpler terms, a resource is a specific API URL used to access an object, and they can be accessed through HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, and DELETE.
    • For instance, the /api/v1/pods resource can be used to retrieve a list of Pod objects, and an individual Pod object can be obtained from the /api/v1/namespaces/pods/ resource.
  • Every Kubernetes resource has a GroupVersion and Kind that uniquely identifies it.
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Resources are like blueprints or templates for Kubernetes objects, while objects are actual instances created from those blueprints that are running in the Kubernetes cluster.
When creating a Kubernetes object using kubectl, the YAML specification is converted to JSON format and sent to the Pod resource (Pod API endpoint).


Last updated: 2023-05-08