KodeCloud Istio
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Service Mesh¶
- Service is a dedicated and configurable infrastructure layer that handles the communication between services without having to change the code in a microservice architecture.
- The proxies and the communication between them forms the Data Plane.
- The proxies talk to a server side component known as the Control Plane.
- All the networking logic is abstracted from the business logic.
- Benefits of service mesh:
- Dynamically configure how service meshes talk to each other.
- Mutual TLS.
- Observability.
- Istio implements the proxies using Envoy.
- Istio architectural diagram:
- Citadel is responsible for certificate generation.
- Pilot helps with service discovery.
- Galley helped in validating configuration files.
- These 3 components were combined to a single daemon known as Istiod.
- Each pod has a separate component along with the envoy proxy known as istio agent.
- Istio agent is responsible for passing configuration secrets to the envoy proxy.
- Once Istio is installed in the cluster we *need to explicitly enable istio sidecar injection in the namespace where our apps are deployed.
Traffic Management¶
- When we installed istio we installed 3 components.
- Istiod, istio-ingressgateway and istio-egressgateway.
- Istio-ingressgateway is similar to an ingress controller like nginx.
- Istio deploys ingress gateways using envoy proxies.
- So the ingress and egress gateways are just envoy proxies.
- Example diagram:
- Creating a gateway using a gateway object:
Virtual Services¶
- Virtual services define a set of routing rules for traffic coming from the ingress gateway to the service mesh.
- Virtual services also help in weighted routing for A/B testing.
- Virtual services usage diagram:
Destination Rules¶
- We define subsets in the destination rules.
- We can have different load balancing for different subsets.
- We can configure simple and mutual TLS using destination rules.
- Diagram:
- For hosts use fully qualified names instead of short names:
In Istio we use virtual services instead of normal k8s services.
- JWT validation & mTLS.
- The request is actually coming from the expected service.
- In mTLS each service gets its own identity which is enforced using certificate key pairs.
- Certificate generation and distribution is automatically managed by istiod.
Last updated: 2023-06-15