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KodeCloud CKAD Taints and Tolerations

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Taints & Tolerations

  • We can restrict what pods are placed on what nodes.
  • Taints and tolerations are used to restrict what pods can be scheduled on a node.
  • Procedure of placing a particular pod on a node:
    • We first taint the node (node 1) where we want to place the desired pod (pod D).
    • Since pods have NO toleration by default none of the pods can tolerate the taint.
    • Now no unwanted pods are going to be placed on the tainted node (node 1).
    • Now we apply a tolerant to the pod (pod D) which we want to place on the tainted node (node 1).
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220924161048.jpg
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220924161148.jpg
Taints are set on nodes and tolerations are set on pods.
  • Tainting a node:
    • We taint a node using: kubectl taint nodes <node-name> key=value:<taint-effect>
    • Taint is a key value pair.
    • taint-effect defines what would happen to the pod if they do not tolerate the taint.
  • There are 3 different kinds of taint-effect

    • attachments/Pasted image 20220924161501.jpg
    • NoSchedule: Pods will not be scheduled on the node.
    • PreferNoSchedule: System will try to avoid placing a pod on the node. Not guaranteed.
    • NoExecute: New pods will not be scheduled on the node and existing pods on the node if any will be evicted if they do not tolerate the taint.
      • These pods may have been scheduled on the node before taint was applied to the node.
  • Sample pod definition file with tolerations

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
        name: myapp-pod
        - name: nginx-container
          image: nginx
        - key: "app"
          operator: "Equal"
          value: "blue"
          effect: "NoSchedule"

  • All the values in tolerations must be enclosed within quotes.

  • The above pod definition file will tolerate the following taint: k taint nodes node1 app=blue:NoSchedule
Taints and tolerations does not tell the pod to go to a particular node. Instead it tells nodes to only accept pods with certain tolerations.

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If we want to restrict a pod to a particular node then it is achieved using node affinity.

If we notice master node is also a node and scheduler doesn't schedule any pod on the master node.

When a k8s cluster is created a taint is set on the master node automatically which prevents any pod from being scheduled on the master node. We can view this taint using: kubectl describe node/kubemaster | grep Taint We have a taint of NoSchedule hence no pods are scheduled on the master node. attachments/Pasted image 20220924162951.jpg

  • Untainting the node: k taint nodes <node-name> key=value:<taint-effect>-
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220924164243.jpg
  • Removing the taint of the control plane:
    • kubectl taint nodes controlplane node-

Understanding NoExecute

  • Initial scenrio:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220924162247.jpg
  • Now we decide to taint node 1 and add a toleration to pod D.
  • Once applied node evicts pod C (killed) whereas pod D continues to run.

Last updated: 2023-05-03