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KodeCloud CKAD KubeConfig

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Understanding kubeconfig file

  • Kubectl uses kubeconfig to authenticate the user to the cluster.
    • There is no file called kubeconfig however, any file that is used to configure access to a Kubernetes cluster is referred as kubeconfig.
  • To authenticate with the cluster the user has to use client certificate and client key.
    • Using client key and client certificate is one way of authentication into the cluster.
    • Other authentication mechanisms
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  • Accessing the k8s api-server using client certificate and client key by making a curl request
curl https://my-kube-playground:6443/api/v1/pods \
    --key admin.key
    --cert admin.crt
    --cacert ca.crt
  • We can specify the same information using the kubectl command
kubectl get pods
    --server my-kube-playground:6443
    --certificate-authority ca.crt
    --client-key admin.key
    --client-certificate admin.crt
  • Typing these in every time is a tedious task so we move it to a kubeconfig file and then specify it while running the commands
    • k get pods --kubeconfig config
Order of lookup for the kubeconfig file
  • First the --kubeconfig specified with the kubectl command is given preference. Example: k get pods --kubeconfig <location>
  • kubectl then looks for the kubeconfig file path in the environment variable KUBECONFIG.
  • If it DOESN'T find it or if the environment variable is empty then it falls back to ~/.kube/config.
  • We can combine multiple kubeconfig files without literally combining them using :.
    • export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:~/.kube/config2
DON'T use "" in the above export statement since ~ are NOT expanded by "".

'' don't expand anything.

  • The kubeconfig file is in a specific format.
  • It contains 3 sections: Clusters, Users & Contexts

    • Context defines which user account will be used to access which cluster.
    • Context is used to define the relationship between user and the cluster.
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  • Sample kubeconfig file

    • attachments/Pasted image 20221003163057.jpg
  • Similarly we can add other clusters

    • attachments/Pasted image 20221003163604.jpg
  • Contexts need not be of the format <user>@<cluster> they can be simple words also. It is up to us what we want to name them.

How does kubectl know which context to choose from?
  • We can specify the default context by adding it in the kubeconfig file under current-context.
  • current-context: <name-of-context>
  • View the current kubeconfig file: k config view
    • If we don't specify which file we want to use it will end up using the kubeconfig at the default location.
  • Viewing a specific kubeconfig file: k config view --kubeconfig=myconfig
  • We can change the current context using:
    • k config use-context <context>
Changes made by the kubectl actually reflects in the kubeconfig file.

We can change contexts, add users, add contexts and so on.

  • In each cluster we may have different namespaces.
  • We can configure a context to switch to a particular namespace.

    • The context section in the kubeconfig file can take additional field called namespace.
    • So when we switch to that context we will automatically be in that namespace.
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  • Whenever we are adding client key, client certificate or the cluster certificate in the config file then we should specify the full path of the certificate.

  • Optionally we can directly specify the contents of certificate in the kubeconfig file after base64 encoding it.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20221003164648.jpg
    • For correctly base64 encoding a certificate use base64 -w 0.

Last updated: 2023-05-23