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KodeCloud CKAD Authorization

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Why Authorization

  • There will be other users accessing the cluster and we will be creating accounts for them.
    • We don't want all of them to have the same level of access as us.
    • We want to provide everyone the minimum level of access.
  • We partition the cluster using namespaces and we want to restrict a user's access to its namespace.
Authorization is a step that comes after authentication is successful.

Different types of authorization

  • Node Authorizer:
    • Access within the cluster
    • Used by nodes
  • ABAC: Attribute based access control.
    • Difficult to manage.
    • Each user gets its own set of permissions
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  • RBAC: Role based access control.
    • We define roles (set of permissions) for example developer
    • Then we associate all the developers to that role
    • Now when a change has to be made to a user's access we simple modify the role by adding or removing permissions.
    • RBAC provides a more standard approach to managing access within the k8s cluster.
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  • Webhook:
    • Manage all the authorisation externally.
    • For example Open Policy Agent.
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  • AlwaysAllow: Allows all the requests without performing any authorization checks
  • AlwaysDeny: Deny all requests.

Authorization Modes

  • Authorization modes are set using the authorization_mode option in the kubeapi-server.
    • We can check the authorization mode of our cluster using kubectl describe pod kube-apiserver-controlplane -n kube-system | grep auth
    • The name of the kube-apiserver pod might differ depending on the way k8s has been setup. Find the api-server pod using the command k get pods -n kube-system.
  • If we DON'T specify this option while starting the api-server it is set to AlwaysAllow authorization mode by default
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  • We can have multiple modes in the kubeapi-server.
    • The requests are authorized by each one in the order they are specified.
  • In the below example:
    • When user sends a request the authorization is first handled by the node authorizer.
    • Now since the node authorizer only handles node request it DENIES the request.
    • When a mode denies the request it is forwarded to the next one in the chain.
    • As soon as one of the modes approves the request no more further checks are performed and the user is granted permission.
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Last updated: 2023-05-23