KodeCloud CKAD Security Primitives
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Security Primitives¶
- In terms of security controlling access to the kube-apiserver is the first line of defence.
We need to make 2 kinds of decisions.
- Who can access the server? -> Defined by authentication mechanisms
- There are different ways of authenticating to the cluster.
- What can they do? -> RBAC authorisation
- Who can access the server? -> Defined by authentication mechanisms
All communication between the kube-apiserver and other components of k8s is encrypted using TLS certificates.
- We can different users like admin, developers and machines.
- k8s does not manage user accounts natively. It relies on an external source.
- We cannot create users in k8s or view the users in k8s.
- But we can manage and create service accounts.
All user access is managed by the kuber-apiserver.
Whether we are using kubectl
or the API directly. All the requests go through the kubeapi-server.
kubeapi-server authenticates the request before processing it.
- Different authentication mechanisms:
Last updated: 2022-10-03