KodeCloud CKAD Misc
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Doing dry runs
k apply -f dep.yaml --dry-run=client
This will not create the resource, instead, tell you whether the resource can be created and if your command is right.
Output the yaml files of imperative commands
k run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml
- Other imperative commands are create (creating a service, creating a deployment, etc), expose etc.
Get the yaml file for any resource:
k get <resource-type> <resource-name> -o yaml > definition.yaml
- This is useful when you have already defined resources in a cluster and you don't have their yaml files.
Formatting the output:
-o json
: Output a JSON formatted API object.-o name
: Print only the resource name and nothing else.-o wide
: Output in the plain-text format with any additional information.-o yaml
: Output a YAML formatted API object.
Forcefully apply a file
k apply -f --force <file-name>.yaml
Get objects from all the namespaces:
k get <resource-name> -A
- Example:
k get pods -A
- Get all the objects in all namespaces:
k get all -A
Service full DNS:
- We can remove the headers from the output of any command using:
k <command> --no-headers
If we want to get the short names or api version or kind or find out whether they are namespaced or not we can use k api-resources
Long form: k api-resource -o wide
What happens when you do k get pods
- The request goes to the kubeapi-server.
- When the request hits the kubeapi-server it goes through an authentication process and this is done using certificates.
- If the request was sent using kubectl then we know that the kubeconfig file has the required certificates configured.
- After authentication the request goes through and authorisation process. This is achieved using RBAC.
- If the user is allowed to list the pods then he will be able to list the pods.
If the scheduler can't schedule the pod then it will go into PENDING state.
Get all the events in a namespace:
k get events
- Describing the api-server pod for important details
k get pods -n kube-system
k describe pod/kube-apiserver-controlplane -n kube-system
- It may be named differently depending on how it is setup.
Last updated: 2023-05-10