KodeCloud CKA Pause Container
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Pause Container¶
- Pause containers are responsible for holding the network namespace in a pod.
- They bootstrap the pod to establish all of the cgroups, reservations, and namespaces before its individual containers are created.
- The pause container image is always present, so the pod resource allocation happens instantaneously as containers are created.
- IP addresses and other resources are attached to the pause container.
- Pause container is always created before the main (app) container.
- Pause container is an infrastructure container whose sole purpose is to hold all these namespaces.
- If the pause container is deleted, Kubernetes recreates the pod with a new IP address.
- Stopping the business application container does not trigger pod recreation, only the container itself is restarted.
- So the IP address remains the same.
- We can view the pause containers by going to a worker node and running:
ctr -n k8s.io c ls
Pause container is like a parent container (PID 1) to all the other containers in the pod and is responsible for killing the zombie processes.
Last updated: 2023-05-30