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KodeCloud CKA Kube Scheduler

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It is only responsible for deciding which pod goes on which node, it DOESN'T actually place the pod on the node.

That is the job of the kubelet.

  • If we are setting up the scheduler from scratch then we can download the binary and run it as a service.
  • kubeadm tool deploys the kube-scheduler as a pod in the kube-system namespace on the master node.
    • Location to view the configuration on the master node: cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml
How does a scheduler work in the backend?
  • Every pod has a field called nodeName in spec that by default is not set.
  • We don't specify this field when we create the pod manifest file. k8s adds it automatically.
  • The scheduler goes through all the pods and looks for those that do not have this property.
  • It then runs the scheduling algorithm to find the right node for the pod by setting the nodeName property to the name of the node.
  • It does this by creating a binding object.
  • So if don't have a scheduler then one way of scheduling the pods would be specifying the nodeName
  • A pod remains in a PENDING state unless it is scheduled by the scheduler.

  • If for some reason the default scheduler doesn't meet our needs we can write our own scheduler.

    • When creating a pod or a deployment we can instruct k8s to have pod scheduled by our custom scheduler.

How does the scheduler work?

  • Lets suppose we submit a pod definition file to the kubeapi-server.
  • It asks the scheduler to find the right node for the pod depending on the requirements.
  • The first step in the creation of pods is that they end up in a scheduling queue.
    • This is where the pods wait to be scheduled.
  • Pods are sorted based on the priority defined on the pods in the scheduling queue.
  • To set a priority we must first create a priority class/object and set a priority value.
  • After the sorting/queuing phase the pods enter the filtering phase where the nodes that cannot run the pod are filtered out.
  • After the filtering phase we have the scoring phase.
    • In this nodes are scored with different weights.
    • On the remaining nodes the scheduler associates a score with each node after reserving the CPU for the pod.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20221012231013.jpg
  • The second node has the higher score and hence it gets picked up.
  • After the scoring phase we have the binding phase in which the pod is bound to the node.
    • Some plugins extend to multiple extension points.

Last updated: 2023-05-15