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KodeCloud CKA Cluster Architecture

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Cluster Architecture


Control Plane Components


  • The kube-api server is the central hub of the Kubernetes cluster that exposes the Kubernetes API.
  • End users, and other cluster components, talk to the cluster via the API server.
  • So when we use kubectl to manage the cluster, at the backend we are actually communicating with the API server through HTTP REST APIs.
    • However, the internal cluster components like the scheduler, controller, etc talk to the API server using gRPC.
  • The communication between the API server and other components in the cluster happens over TLS.
  • Tasks performed by the kube-api server.
It is the only component that communicates with etcd.


  • etcd is an open-source strongly consistent, distributed key-value store.
    • Distributed means we can write to any instance and read from any instance.
    • This is done by assigning one etcd as leader and others as follower.
      • If the write comes to any of the follower nodes then they are forwarded to the leader node internally.
  • etcd uses raft consensus algorithm for strong consistency and availability.
  • Quorum is the minimum number of nodes available for the cluster to function properly: N/2 + 1.
    • In case of 3 nodes quorum is 2.
    • This is why it is recommended to have a minimum of 3 instances in the etcd cluster.
    • Table:
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Always go with odd number of nodes for etcd HA.
  • etcd stores all configurations, states, and metadata of Kubernetes objects (pods, secrets, daemonsets, deployments, configmaps, statefulsets, etc).
  • etcd allows a client to subscribe to events using Watch() API .
    • Kubernetes api-server uses the etcd’s watch functionality to track the change in the state of an object.
  • etcd stores all objects under the /registry directory key in key-value format.
    • For example, information on a pod named Nginx in the default namespace can be found under /registry/pods/default/nginx.
    • Getting the first 10 items from etcd
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  • Commands for exploring etcd
  • Features of etcd making it suitable for k8s
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etcd it is the only Statefulset component in the control plane.
High Availability
  • etcd cluster can use multiple nodes for high availability.
  • There are different ways of achieving etcd HA.
    • We can use the stacked topology where we have multiple master nodes and an etcd in each of them.
      • This is how HA setup is provisioned using kubeadm.
      • Diagram:
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    • We can use an external etcd cluster topology.
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  • The main difference between the two topologies is that in the external etcd cluster the master node can talk to any etcd whereas in stacked topology it could only talk to the local etcd pod.
Since etcd is a distributed system apiserver can talk to any node of etcd without a load balancer.

This is the reason why we specify a list of etcd servers in the kubeapi configuration file. attachments/Pasted image 20230530150539.jpg


  • kube-scheduler is responsible for scheduling pods on worker nodes.
  • When we deploy a pod, we specify the pod requirements such as CPU, memory, affinity, taints or tolerations, priority, persistent volumes (PV), etc.
    • The scheduler’s primary task is to identify the create request and choose the best node for a pod that satisfies the requirements.
  • A pod remains in a PENDING state unless it is scheduled by the scheduler.
  • High level overview of how scheduler works:
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kube-scheduler is a controller that listens to pod creation events in the API server.
Scheduler Working
  • The scheduler has two phases.
    • Scheduling cycle and the Binding cycle.
    • Together it is called the scheduling context.
    • The scheduling cycle selects a worker node and the binding cycle applies that change to the cluster.
  • The first step in the creation of pods is that they end up in a scheduling queue.
    • This is where the pods wait to be scheduled.
  • Pods are sorted based on the priority defined on the pods in the scheduling queue.
    • To set a priority we must first create a priority object and set a priority value.
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  • To then choose the best node, the Kube-scheduler uses filtering and scoring operations.
  • In the filtering phase, the scheduler finds the best-suited nodes where the pod can be scheduled.
    • For example, if there are five worker nodes with resource availability to run the pod, it selects all five nodes.
    • If It is a large cluster, let’s say 100 worker nodes, and the scheduler doesn’t iterate over all the nodes. There is a scheduler configuration parameter called percentageOfNodesToScore.
  • In the scoring phase, the scheduler ranks the nodes by assigning a score to the filtered worker nodes.
    • The scheduler makes the scoring by calling multiple scheduling plugins.
    • Finally, the worker node with the highest rank (score) will be selected for scheduling the pod.
    • If all the nodes have the same rank, a node will be selected at random.
  • Once the node is selected, the scheduler creates a binding event in the API server.

    • Meaning an event to bind a pod and node.
  • The scheduler has a pluggable scheduling framework.

    • All of these processes in scheduling are achieved using a plugin.
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  • We can create custom schedulers and run multiple schedulers in a cluster along with the native scheduler.
    • When we deploy a pod we can specify the custom scheduler in the pod manifest.
    • So the scheduling decisions will be taken based on the custom scheduler logic.
    • Meaning, we can add our custom plugin to the scheduling workflow.
  • The highly customizable nature of k8s ensures that we can write our own plugin.
    • This is achieved using extension points.
    • At each stage there is an extension point to which a plugin can be plugged to.
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Kube Controller Manager

  • What is a Controller?
  • Kube controller manager is a component that manages all the Kubernetes controllers.
    • Kubernetes resources/objects like pods, namespaces, jobs, replicaset are managed by respective controllers.
    • Also, the kube scheduler is also a controller managed by Kube controller manager.
  • We can extend k8s with custom controllers associated with a custom resource definition.
Controllers watch the kube-api server and make required changes to achieve the desired state.

Controllers CANNOT watch the etcd database because kube-api server is the only component that can talk to the etcd database.

Cloud Controller Manager

  • When kubernetes is deployed in cloud environments, the cloud controller manager acts as a bridge between Cloud Platform APIs and the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Cloud controller integration allows Kubernetes cluster to provision cloud resources like instances (for nodes), Load Balancers (for services), and Storage Volumes (for persistent volumes).
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  • Cloud Controller Manager contains a set of cloud platform-specific controllers that ensure the desired state of cloud-specific components (nodes, Loadbalancers, storage, etc).

Worker Node Components


  • Kubelet is an agent component that runs on every node in the cluster.
    • It DOES NOT run as a container instead runs as a daemon service, managed by systemd.
  • It is responsible for registering worker nodes with the API server and working with the podSpec (Pod specification – YAML or JSON) primarily from the API server.
    • podSpec defines the containers that should run inside the pod, their resources (e.g. CPU and memory limits), and other settings such as environment variables, volumes, and labels.
  • Tasks of a kubelet:
    • Creating, modifying, and deleting containers for the pod.
    • Responsible for handling liveliness, readiness, and startup probes.
    • Responsible for Mounting volumes by reading pod configuration and creating respective directories on the host for the volume mount.
    • Collecting and reporting Node and pod status via calls to the API server.
Kubelet is also a controller where it watches for pod changes and utilizes the node’s container runtime to pull images, run containers, etc.
  • Static Pods are controlled by kubelet, not the API server.
  • Key points about kubelet:
    • Kubelet uses the CRI (container runtime interface) gRPC interface to talk to the container runtime.
    • Uses the CSI (container storage interface) gRPC to configure block volumes.
    • It uses the CNI (container network interface) plugin configured in the cluster to allocate the pod IP address and set up any necessary network routes and firewall rules for the pod.
  • Diagram:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20230515154756.jpg

Kube proxy

  • Service in Kubernetes is a way to expose a set of pods internally or to external traffic.
    • When we create the service object, it gets a virtual IP assigned to it which is called clusterIP.
    • It is only accessible within the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Whenever we create a service an endpoint object is also created.
    • The Endpoint object contains all the IP addresses and ports of pod groups under a Service object.
      • We can get the endpoints using k get endpoints
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      • If we view the yaml config of a specific endpoint using k get endpoint/<endpoint-name> we see a list of IP addresses and ports
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    • The endpoints controller is responsible for maintaining a list (mapping) of pod IP addresses (endpoints).
    • Endpoints can be thought of as a lookup table for Services to fetch the target IP addresses of Pods.
    • The service only declares the selectors but the information to which pods traffic should be forwarded is with the endpoints.
    • The service controller is responsible for configuring endpoints to a service.
We CANNOT ping the ClusterIP/Service IP because it is a virtual IP.
  • We can ping the Pod IP since it is an actual endpoint on the network.
  • Service IP is just a key in the IP table rules set by IP tables that gives routing instructions to the host kernel.
  • Kube-proxy is a daemon that runs on every node as a daemon set.
    • It is a proxy component that implements the Kubernetes Services concept for pods i.e. single DNS for a set of pods with load balancing.
  • When we expose pods using a Service (ClusterIP), Kube-proxy creates network rules to send traffic to the backend pods (endpoints) grouped under the Service object.
    • Meaning, all the load balancing, and service discovery are handled by the Kube proxy.
  • Kube-proxy uses any one of the following modes to create/update rules for routing traffic to pods behind a Service.
    • IPTables: It is the default mode.
      • IPtables allow us to program how the Linux kernel should treat packets.
      • In IPTables mode, the traffic is handled by IPtable rules.
      • In this mode, kube-proxy chooses the backend pod random for load balancing.
    • IPVS: For clusters with services exceeding 1000, IPVS offers performance improvement.
      • It supports the a lot of load balancing algorithms.
  • kube-proxy runs on each node of a Kubernetes cluster and watches Service and Endpoints (and EndpointSlices) objects and accordingly updates the IP table routing rules on its host nodes to allow communicating over Services.
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  • Analogy:
    • Deployment -> Replicaset -> Pod
    • Service -> EndpointSlice -> Endpoint

Container Runtime

  • Container runtime runs on all the nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
    • It is responsible for pulling images from container registries, running containers, allocating and isolating resources for containers, and managing the entire lifecycle of a container on a host.
  • Container Runtime Interface (CRI) is a set of APIs that allows Kubernetes to interact with different container runtimes.
    • It allows different container runtimes to be used interchangeably with Kubernetes.
  • Open Container Initiative (OCI) is a set of standards for container formats and runtimes.
kubelet agent is responsible for interacting with the container runtime using CRI APIs to manage the lifecycle of a container.

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It also gets all the container information from the container runtime and provides it to the control plane.

  • High level of how container runtimes (CRI-O) work in k8s.
    • When there is a new request for a pod from the API server, the kubelet talks to CRI-O daemon to launch the required containers via Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface.
    • CRI-O checks and pulls the required container image from the configured container registry using containers/image library.
    • CRI-O then generates OCI runtime specification (JSON) for a container.
    • CRI-O then launches an OCI-compatible runtime (runc) to start the container process as per the runtime specification.
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Last updated: 2023-05-31