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KodeCloud CKA Api server

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Kube API Server

  • When we use the kubectl command it actually interacts with the kubeapi-server.
    • We need not use kubectl for interacting with the kubeapi-server.
    • We can invoke the apis directly by sending a POST request.

What happens when we create a pod using kubectl

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- The request is authenticated and then validated. - Api server creates a pod object without assigning it to the node, updates the information in the etcd server and updates the user that the pod has been created. - The scheduler continuously monitors the api server and sees that there is a new pod with no node assigned. - The scheduler identifies the right node to place the pod on and communicates back to the kubeapi-server. - The api server then updates the information in the etcd server. - The api server then passes the information to the kubelet in the appropriate worker node. - The kubelet then instructs the container runtime to create a pod on the node. - Once done the kubelet updates the status back to the api server. - The api server then updates the data in the etcd server. - A similar pattern is followed anytime a change is requested. - kubeapi-server is at the center of all the different tasks that need to be performed.

Kubeapi-server is the only component that interacts with the etcd data store.

Installing kubeapi-server

  • If we install k8s using kubeadm then we don't need to worry about installing the kubeapi-server
    • kubeadm deploys the kubeapi-server as a pod in the kube-system namespace.
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  • If we are setting up the cluster from scratch then we will have to download the binary of kubeapi-server and then run it as a service.
    • We need to specify the location of the etcd server as one of the parameters.
  • In a kubeadm setup we can find the configuration options at the location: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml in the master node.
  • In case of scratch we can view it at cat /etc/systemd/system/kube-apiserver.service

Last updated: 2022-10-10