Kubernetes Logging
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Metrics Logging¶
- Prometheus is the standard.
- K8s exposes its metrics in the prometheus format.
- Prometheus is pull based so it pulls metrics from its targets.
- Prometheus stores the metrics in its internal time series database.
- Promql is prometheus's query language.
Logs Logging¶
- Logs are distributed by nature. Every application has its own logs.
- We need to collect them at a central place.
- It can be done using the ELK stack.
- Loki is another option.
- It is a database waiting for resources to push logs into it.
- We can also use fluentd for log aggregation.
- For using fluentd in k8s it is run as a daemonset (1 pod per worker node).
- It is just a database for logs so we need elastic search and kibana to view it hence the EFK stack.
- Fluentbit is a light weight version of fluentd.
- Grafana is the de facto standard for displaying logs and metrics.
- Grafana is used to get metrics from prometheus and logs from Loki.
- Understanding Logging: Containers & Microservices - YouTube - MUST WATCH: For understanding logging in containers.
- This is also important to understand why we should log to stdout.
- Introduction to Fluentd: Collect logs and send almost anywhere - YouTube - Using fluentd (EFK) in docker compose.
- Fluentd on Kubernetes: Log collection explained - YouTube - Using fluentd (EFK) in k8s
Last updated: 2022-11-13