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KodeCloud CKAD Ingress

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  • Ingress can be thought of as a layer 7 load balancer built into the k8s cluster and can be configured using definition files, just like any other object in k8s.
Even with ingress we need to expose it to make it accessible outside the cluster.
  • We can publish it as a NodePort or as a cloud native LoadBalancer.
  • But it is one time configuration, going forward we will be performing all the routing configuration, SSL etc on the ingress controller.
  • The solution we deploy is known as the ingress controller and the configuration we do is known as the ingress resource.

    • Ingress resources are also created using definition files.
  • A k8s cluster DOES NOT come with an ingress controller by default.

    • So if you simply create ingress resources and expect them to work then they won't.
  • An ingress controller is deployed just as an ordinary deployment.

  • Once we have deployed the ingress controller, we need a service to expose it to the outside world.
    • This will link the service to the deployment.
Ingress controllers have additional intelligence built into them to monitor the k8s cluster for ingress resources.
  • They configure the underlying ingress server when some changes are made to the ingress resources.
  • But for ingress to controller to do this it requires a service account with right set of permissions.
  • For this we create a service account with correct set of role and role bindings.
  • There are 4 things required to setup the ingress controller: deployment, service, service-account, configMap (for configuration of the ingress server)

    • attachments/Pasted image 20221001204039.jpg
  • An ingress resource is a set of rules and configurations applied on the ingress controller.

    • An ingress resource is created with a k8s definition file.
  • To get the ingress resources we do:

    • k get ingress
    • This will list only the ingress resources and not the ingress controller since ingress controller is a deployment.
    • If it is defined in another name space we can do: k describe ingress/<ingress-name> -n <namespace>
  • Very simple ingress resource definition file

    apiVersion: extensions/vlbetal
    kind: Ingress
        name: ingress-wear
            serviceName: wear-service
            servicePort: 80

  • We use rules (depending on domain names) in ingress resource when we want to route traffic based on different conditions.

    • Within each rule we can handle different paths.
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We have rules at the top for each domain name and within each rule we have different paths.

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  • Ingress resource with multiple paths
    • attachments/Pasted image 20221001205115.jpg
apiversion: extensions/vibetal
kind: Ingress
    name: ingress-wear-watch
  - http:
      - path: /wear
          serviceName: wear-service
          servicePort: 80
      - path: /watch
          serviceName: watch-service
          servicePort: 80
  • We can describe the ingress resource using k describe ingress/<ingress-name>
  • Default backend

    • If the user tries to access a URL that does not match any of these rules then the user is redirected to the service specified as the default-backed. In the example it is default-http-backend
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    • So we must remember to deploy such a service.
    • In this case it won't forward the request to any backend.
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  • Ingress resource with 2 rules one path:

    • In the previous examples we didn't specify the host field. If we don't specify the host field it will consider it as *
    • attachments/Pasted image 20221001205859.jpg
  • Difference between 1 rule 2 paths and 2 rules 1 path:

    • attachments/Pasted image 20221001205943.jpg
Changes between the previous and current versions of ingress

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  • Ingress resources and ingress controllers can be deployed in different namespace.
    • It is a best practice to deploy ingress resources belonging to different teams in their own namespace.
    • No extra configuration is required from our end except from deploying it. The ingress controller will automatically associate the path to the specified service.


  • Suppose we have the following ingress:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20221002104751.jpg
    • /pay forwards the request to the pay-service which is in front of a deployment.
  • Now this may not work since the application (pod) is expecting requests on / path but the ingress is sending it on /pay.
    • If we have logging we can verify this
    • attachments/Pasted image 20221002104933.jpg
    • We get 404 errors for /pay
    • The requests are coming in as /pay
    • The ingress is forwarding the url as is and the application doesn't have a /pay path
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  • For sending the request to / we need to have rewrite annotations.

Another Rewrite example

  • Our watch app displays the video streaming webpage at http://<watch-service>:<port>/
  • Our wear app displays the apparel webpage at http://<wear-service>:<port>/
  • We must configure Ingress to achieve the below.
    • When user visits the URL, his request should be forwarded internally to the URL on the right.
Note that the /watch and /wear URL path are what we configure on the ingress controller so we can forward users to the appropriate application in the backend. The applications don’t have this URL/Path configured on them.
  • http://<ingress-service>:<ingress-port>/watch –> http://<watch-service>:<port>/
  • http://<ingress-service>:<ingress-port>/wear –> http://<wear-service>:<port>/
  • Without the rewrite-target option, this is what would happen:

    • http://<ingress-service>:<ingress-port>/watch –> http://<watch-service>:<port>/watch
    • http://<ingress-service>:<ingress-port>/wear –> http://<wear-service>:<port>/wear
  • Notice watch and wear at the end of the target URLs.

    • The target applications are not configured with /watch or /wear paths.
    • They are different applications built specifically for their purpose, so they don’t expect /watch or /wear in the URLs.
    • And as such the requests would fail and throw a 404 not found error.
  • To fix that we want to ReWrite the URL when the request is passed on to the watch or wear applications.

    • We don’t want to pass in the same path that user typed in. So we specify the rewrite-target option.
    • This rewrites the URL by replacing whatever is under rules -> http -> paths -> path which happens to be /pay in this case with the value in rewrite-target. This works just like a search and replace function.
      • For example: replace(path, rewrite-target)
      • In our case: replace("/path","/")
  • Sample yaml ingress file with rewriting

    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Ingress
      name: test-ingress
      namespace: critical-space
      annotations: /
      - http:
          - path: /pay
              serviceName: pay-service
              servicePort: 8282


Last updated: 2023-05-08