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Kubernetes Volumes

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  • We persist data in k8s using volumes.
  • There are 3 main components of k8s storage:

    • Persistent Volume
    • Persistent Volume Claim
    • Storage Class
  • k8s doesn't give us any data persistence out of the box. We need to configure that.

Storage Requirements

  1. First of all we need a storage that doesn't depend on the pod's lifecycle.
    • So that if the pod dies and a new pod is created it can read the existing data.
  2. But we don't know on which node the new pod will restart so our storage must also be available on all nodes.
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  3. Storage needs to survive even if the whole cluster crashes.

  4. These are the main requirements that our database storage needs to fulfil.

Another use case of persistent storage is the use of a directory.

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Persistent Volume

Persistent volume is a cluster resource just like RAM & CPU

So persistent volumes have to be already there in the cluster before the pod that depends on it is created.

  • It is created using a YAML file.
  • It is an abstract component.
  • It must take storage from actual physical storage like local disk, cloud-storage or nfs volumes.
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Where does this storage backend come from and who makes it available to the cluster?
  • k8s admin makes it available to the user.
  • This is the tricky part of the data persistence in k8s.
  • k8s doesn't care about actual storage it gives us persistent volume as an interface to the actual storage.
  • So we have to decide what type of storage the applications would need and we would have to create and manage (create backups) them ourselves.
  • k8s can be thought of as external plugin to our cluster.
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  • We can also have multiple storages configured for our cluster with different applications using different types of storage. One application may use multiple storage options.

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  • We use the physical storage in spec section of persistent volume example

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  • Using google cloud as physical storage
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  • Using local storage as physical storage
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Depending on the physical storage type spec attributes would differ.

In the official k8s backend we can see a list of supported backends.

Persistent Volumes are NOT namespaced.

They are accessible to the whole cluster. attachments/Pasted image 20220904120707.jpg

Local Volumes

  • Local volumes violates 2nd & 3rd requirement of Storage Requirements i.e. it is tied only to the a particular node.

    • Data is lost if the node dies
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  • There are two types of local volumes.

    • One is emptydir which is ephemeral and it attached to the pod’s lifetime.
      • If the pod dies then the data is also lost.
    • Other is the hostpath
      • In this case the volume is stored in the worker node and then mounted onto the pod.
      • So if the pod dies and a new pod is created the data will persist.
      • hostpath is only good for single worker node clusters since data is available only on one specific node.

Remote Volumes

  • Using remote storage for PV
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    • We no longer rely on the container of the host

k8s admin vs user

  • k8s admin sets up and maintains the cluster.
    • Like making sure that the cluster has enough resources
  • k8s user deploys applications in the cluster
K8s admin is the one that configures the actual storage.

Meaning making sure that nfs storage or cloud storage is present depending on developer needs.

  • k8s admin is also responsible for creating PV components from these storage backends depending.

Persistent Volume Claim

  • Once we have Persistent Volume components we have to configure YAML files to use persistent volume components.

    • In other words application has to claim that volume.
    • This is done using persistent volume claim.
  • Persistent Volume Claims are also created using YAML configuration.

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  • After making a claim we have to use it in our pods configuration. Now the pod & all the containers inside the pod will have access to the persistent volume.

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Level of Volume Abstractions

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Claims must exist in the same namespace as the pod using the claim.

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  • Once a persistent volume is found by the PVC the volume is mounted onto the pod and then to the container.
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  • If a pod has more than one container we can choose the containers to which we want to mount the volume.

Why so many abstractions

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- As a developer we need not to be concerned where the actual storage is. - We don't have to go through the hassle of setting up the storage. - We make a claim for storage using PVC assuming that the cluster has storage.

Special Volume Types

  • ConfigMap & Secret are special volume types.
  • Both of them are local volumes but aren't created via PV or PVC but are managed by k8s.
  • We mount ConfigMap & Secret in the same way we mount volumes.
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We can use multiple volumes of different types simultaneously

For example if we have an elastic search app then we can have a separate volume for secret, ConfigMap and another one for database. attachments/Pasted image 20220904224723.jpg
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We first mount the all volumes to the pod and then mount the required volumes to containers.
  • Now you would be thinking what is the need of mapping ConfigMap & Secret to volumes since we are just using key value pairs from them.
  • Some times applications need configuration files to set them up. This is where mounting ConfigMap & Secret as volume type is used.
Different ways of using ConfigMap & Secret

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Storage Class

  • General process of using storage in k8s
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  • PV should be pre provisioned to be used in applications.
  • Now when we are dealing with a lot of applications then depending on the needs a lot of PV have to be created by the admins before deploying the application.

    • This can be time consuming, tedious and error prone
  • To make the process efficient we have storage class.

    • Storage class provisions persistent volume dynamically whenever PVC claims it.
  • We also create storage class using YAML configuration.
  • Storage class creates persistent volume dynamically in the background.
  • We define the storage backend using the provisioner attribute. In addition to this we also configure the parameters of the storage backend.

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  • Using storage class with PVC

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  • When PVCs are deleted depending on the policy PVs are either released, retained or recycled.

How do pods use storage from storage class

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Volume connects to persistent volume claim which then connects to either PV (static) or Storage class (dynamic)

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The thing that determines the routing is the StorageClassName. If we provide one then we use the Storage class attachments/Pasted image 20220905235330.jpg
If we don't provide one then we get PV attachments/Pasted image 20220905235352.jpg

  • Once we get a matching PV or SC we form a bind.
  • PVC binds are mutually exclusive which means we cannot bind 2 PVC to the same PV.
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    • But we can use the same PVC in 2 different pods.
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When none of the static PVs the administrator created matches a user's PVC, the cluster may try to dynamically provision a volume specially for the PVC. This provisioning is based on StorageClasses.
  • Suppose you have a PVC for 100Gi but you only have PVs of 50Gi and 200Gi.
  • If StorageClass is setup then you k8s will give us a 100Gi dynamically provisioned storage using storage class.
  • Now if you don't have StorageClass setup then k8s might give you 200Gi depending on the settings.


Last updated: 2022-09-06