Kubernetes Monitoring
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- For monitoring a cluster we use Prometheus. It is a metrics aggregator.
- Grafana is a dash boarding tool which uses Prometheus as a data source.
- Prometheus has become the main stream monitoring tool in container and micro service infrastructure.
Prometheus offers automated monitoring and alerting.
We specify which targets to monitor in the
file.- By default it will have only one entry
. This is the port prometheus is running on and prometheus monitors itself. - Now we can add more targets with their
- By default it will have only one entry
Prometheus Architecture¶
Prometheus server is the core of prometheus and does the actual monitoring work. It is made up of 3 parts.
- It has time series database which stores the metrics data like the CPU usage, no of exceptions etc.
- It has a data retrieval worker which is responsible for pulling these metrics from the applications, servers etc.
- It then pushes the data collected to the time series database.
- Last component is the web server api which accepts PromQL queries for the stored data.
- This is then used to create dashboards in Prometheus web UI or Grafana.
Architecture diagram
Prometheus can monitor a lot of things.
- These things are known as targets.
- Each target has units which is monitored. The unit of a target we want to monitor is known as metric.
- The metrics are stored in Prometheus database component.
How does prometheus collect data from targets?
- Prometheus pulls metrics from the targets from an http endpoint which by default is
. - For it to work the targets must expose this endpoint and data available must be in the format Prometheus understands.
- Prometheus data is stored in a custom time series format on disk.
- So if you want to deploy it using docker then you will need persistent volumes.
- The default retention time is 15d after which it will start overwriting data.
- You can reduce it if you want to save space.
- Some targets expose prometheus end points by default so there is no extra work to get metrics from them.
- But many services don’t have Prometheus end point so an extra component is required.
- This component is known as exporter.
- The exporter fetches the metrics from the target, exposes the end point and converts the metrics into a format which Prometheus understands.
- Prometheus has a list of exporters like Mysql, elastic search, linux server etc.
- These exporters are also available as docker images.
- If you want to monitor a linux server then you can download the linux exporter.
So if you want to monitor you mysql pod in the k8s cluster then you can deploy a side car container (Prometheus exporter) which will connect to mysql container and export the metrics at /metrics
Prometheus works on a pull mechanism¶
- It pulls the metrics from the end point.
- Most monitoring systems like AWS cloud watch are push systems.
- When a lot of micro services push data it creates a lot of traffic.
- Since we have a common endpoint data can be pulled by multiple Prometheus endpoints.
- If you have small job which will run only for a specific duration (short-lived) then it is advisable to use the Prometheus pushgateway so that these services can push data to Prometheus database.
Prometheus Characteristics¶
- Prometheus is stand alone since it should work when other applications fail.
- Since it is stand alone it is difficult to scale.
- Grafana dashboards are difficult to create.
- There is a market place where you can easily download these dashboards depending on the target.
- For linux it is node exporter full.
- Simple Grafana architecture
Last updated: 2022-08-29