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Kubernetes StatefulSet

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  • It is a k8s component used specifically for stateful applications.
    • Databases are example of stateful applications
Stateless applications are deployed using deployment component whereas stateful applications are deployed using StatefulSet.

Pod Identity

  • In StatefulSet all the replica pods are not identical.
  • Every pod has its own identifier.

    • Unlike deployment where we have random hashes at the end, StatefulSet gets fixed ordered names (statefulsetname-ordinal).
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    • So if you create a StatefulSet called mysql with 3 replicas you will have pods with the following names
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      • First is the master then comes the slave in the order of startup.
    • Next pod is only created if previous is up & running.
    • Deletion starts from the last pod.
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  • Each pod has a persistent identifier which it maintains while rescheduling.

    • This means that if a pod of ID-2 dies then a new pod of the same ID will replace it.

Why it's difficult to scale database applications?

How are database applications scaled?

There can be only 1 master database which takes writes. attachments/Pasted image 20220903190618.jpg

  • The pods don't share the same physical storage even though they use the same data.
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  • They each have their own replica of their storage which they can access.
    • This means to have the same data as other pods the data must be synchronised.
  • The worker pods (slaves) must know about each and every changes made to master so that it can be upto date.
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  • When a new pod joins it must take care of replicating the data
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    • It first clones the data from the previous pod and then starts synchronisation.
Since all the pods have a copy of the data you can actually get away with only having temporary data storage.

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- But this means that all data will be lost when all the pods die. - But in case of persistent storage date will survive even if all the pods die since Persistent Volume lifecycle isn't tied to other component's lifecycle.

Pod State

  • Each pod has its own persistent volume plus the pod state.

    • Pod state has information that whether its a master pod or a slave pod.
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  • When a pod dies & gets replaced the persistent pod identifiers makes sure that the storage volume gets reattached to the replacement pod.

    • Since the storage has the state of the pod.
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  • In case when pods are deleted, pods are deleted but their persistent volume is kept.

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For the reattachment to work it is important to use remote storage.
  • Since if the pod gets rescheduled from one node to another then the previous storage must be available on other nodes as well.
  • We cannot use local volume storage as it is attached to a particular node.
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Pod Endpoints

  • Each pod has 2 endpoints.

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    • LoadBalancer Service
    • Individual Service Name
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  • We need to have a headless service with a StatefulSet for individual service name.

Having a fixed endpoint & pod name ensures that pods have sticky identity to retain state & retain role.

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Stateful applications not perfect for containerised environments


Last updated: 2022-09-06