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Kubernetes Services Deep Dive

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There are 4 types of services: NodePort, Cluster IP, Headless and LoadBalancer

IP Addresses in nodes

  • All the worker nodes get a range of internal IP addresses.
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      • In this when we deploy a pod it gets an IP address of which means it belongs to Node 2.
    • kubectl get pod -o wide
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Communications inside the cluster (ClusterIP)

  • Architecture

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  • Basic pod structure

    • Let us suppose you have 2 containers running in one pod and they have exposed different ports.
    • We can assume that extra container is a log collector.
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  • Ingress yaml file
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  • Service yaml file
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  • Service knows which pod to send the request using the selector
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  • Service should match all the selectors and not just one
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  • If the pods have multiple open ports how does the service know which port to forward the request to?
    • This is decided by the target port attribute in the service
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  • So selectors and the target port tell the service where to send the request.
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  • When a service is created k8s automatically creates an endpoint object which has the same name as service and keeps track of which pods are members of that service.
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  • Port vs targetPort in service file

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  • Let us add mongodb pods to the architecture also let us assume that these pods have another container which sends metrics. So our architecture will look something like this

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  • Now this means our mongodb service has to handle 2 different ports.
    • This is an example of multiport service.
  • If you have multiple ports exposed in a service then you have to name them. In case of only one port you can choose not to.
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Headless Services

  • Why?
    • Suppose that you need to talk to a specific pod.
    • This is not possible when using a ClusterIP service since it asks as a load balancer.
    • Or there can be a scenario where the a pod wants to directly talk to a specific pod, this is also not possible via ClusterIP service. For these use cases we have the headless service.
Now what could be the scenario that you have to talk to a specific pod directly?
  • Let us take an example of a stateful application where only the master pod is allowed to write to the database and the worker pods only read from the database.
  • Now the worker pods must connect to the master after they have written to the database to synchronise the data.
  • If a new pod is created then it should connect to the most recently updated pod to get the data. attachments/Pasted image 20220829183449.jpg
Now how can we figure out the IP address of a specific pod?

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- We can make an api call to the k8s api server but then that makes our app too tied with the k8s api. - Other option is to do a dns look up by using the pod name but this returns the ClusterIP of the service managing that pod. - We can tell k8s that we don’t need the cluster IP of the service by setting the ClusterIP field to None while creating a service.

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- This is how we create a headless service.

  • When we create a headless service no IP address is assigned

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  • We will always have headless service along with the ClusterIP service.

    • Other pods can talk to the database using the ClusterIP service and if we need to talk to any specific pod then we can use the headless service.
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NodePort Service

  • NodePort makes the external traffic accessible through static ports on each worker node.
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  • Instead of ingress browser request will directly come to the worker node at the port that the service specification defines.
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    • nodePort value can only be within the given range.
  • This means nodePort is accessible at node_ip_address:nodePort to the browser.
If you observer carefully you will find that we define port and targetPort in the yaml file of the NodePort service. This is because a ClusterIP service is automatically created when we create a NodePort service.

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This why we have a ClusterIP for a NodePort service

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  • The ClusterIP service created by NodePort spans all the worker nodes.
    • So if you have 3 pod replicas on 3 different nodes then the service will be able to handle the request coming on any of the worker nodes and forward it to the pod replicas on other worker nodes.
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When you create a NodePort service it creates a hole in all the nodes
  • This means you can access the service using the IP address of any of the nodes.
  • Let's suppose that you have a NodePort service named mynodeportservice.
  • Clients inside the cluster can use the ClusterIP created while creating the NodePort service.
  • External clients that are outside the cluster can hit that ClusterIP service that exists inside the cluster. Let's say that our 3 K8s host nodes have IPs,,, the Kubernetes service is listening on port 80, and the Nodeport picked at random was 31852.
  • A client that exists outside of the cluster could visit,, or (as NodePort is listened for by every Kubernetes Host Node) Kubeproxy will forward the request to mynodeportservice's port 80.
  • Example video →
  • If for some reason you are not able to access pods in node 1 by hitting the ip of node 2 while having a NodePort service then you should check your IP forwarding on your node machines. This should never happen while using a cloud provider but may happen when you are setting up your own k8s cluster.

  • NodePort services are not secure if the nodes are accessible to the internet since we are opening ports on the nodes.

LoadBalancer Service

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  • Whenever we create a LoadBalancer service NodePort and ClusterIP service are automatically created.
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  • When we use a LoadBalancer service it becomes the entry point. It then directs the traffic to nodePort on the worker node which then directs it to the ClusterIP service.
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LoadBalancer Service is an extension of NodePort Service. NodePort Service is an extension of ClusterIP Service.
NodePort service is never used in production, it is generally used for some kind of testing. For production environments we will generally have ingress or LoadBalancer service

Last updated: 2022-08-29