Links: 109 AWS Self Taught Index
- First step is to create a repository
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <repository-name> --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --region <region>
- We can include slashes in repo name for eg:
- Once you create a repo you can push images in it using the repository URI
- Describing the repositories to see all the repositories
aws ecr describe-repositories -region <region>
Building docker images
docker build -t image-name .
: assumingDockerfile
is in the same directory.
To push the docker image to ECR we need to login
- If you login successfully you should see Login Succeeded message
- We need to tag the docker images with the same name as the repository with version
docker tag <image-name> <account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo-name>:1
- We do this in order to tell docker that we want this image to be pushed to ECR
- Tag basically means that we are renaming the image.
- Here 1 is the version number we can also have
or any other version
In ECR you create a repository per image.
- For each image you have its own repository.
- We store different tags/versions of the same image in our repository.
- Image naming in ECR:
- We can do
docker pull nginx:latest
since it is equivalent todocker pull
- But we can't skip this in private repositories.
- But we can't skip this in private repositories.
Last updated: 2022-09-09