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Python Dataclasses

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  • Dataclasses help us in writing data oriented classes like a class representing a vector.

    • They are very different from behaviour oriented classes that expose a number of methods.
  • Example of a builtin dataclass

How does dataclasses help in representing data oriented classes?

It adds convenience mechanisms like - Being able to represent the object as a string easily. Like __str__ and __repr__ methods are already implemented. - Compare the objects with other objects. - Add an easy initialisation mechanism to the data.

  • Dataclasses by default automatically initialise a bunch of dunder methods for us in a class such as:
    • __init__ The initialisation method for the class
    • __repr__ How the class is represented with print() is called
    • __str__ How the class is represented as a string (called with __repr__)
    • __eq__ Used when equality operators are used (eg, ==)
    • __hash__ The hash for the class (called with __eq__)
Dataclasses should be preferred over normal dictionaries and typedicts if you are want type hinting and are planning to pass dictionaries around.
  • Dataclasses can be used for creating Data Transfer Objects in Python.
  • DTOs are objects that are used to pass data between functions and are not entities or basic types.
  • If we forget to add @dataclass decorator over the class then we will end up with a bunch of class variables instead of instance variables.

Using DataClasses

  • Default values in non mutable objects

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class Test:
        a: str
        b: int = 10 # default value
    obj1 = Test(a="abc")

  • Default values in mutable objects

    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    def generate_id():
        return ""
    class Person:
        name: str
        email_addrsses: list[str] = [] 
        Each instance of Person will have access to same version of list.
        email_addresses: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
        Having randomly generated values as default ids
        init=False means we cannot set IDs while creating an instance
        id: str = field(init=False, default_factory=generate_id)
        Create values from other instance variables using post init
        search_string: str
        def __post_init__(self) -> None:
            self.search_string = +
    obj1 = Test(a="abc")
    obj2 = Test(a="abc", email_addresses=[""])

  • The above way of initialising the default value of b will lead to problems. Read more about Mutable Default Values

  • We pass functions to the default_factory

    • Here list is also a function, just like generate_id
  • For protected variables we use _ and for private variables we use __ in front of the variables.

  • If we don't want to print a particular field when we print the object then we can use some_variable: str = field(repr=False)
  • We can freeze the dataclass using @dataclass(frozen=True)
    • Frozen means once the dataclass is initialised it is read only.
  • After python3.10 we can use the following
    • @dataclass(kw_only=True) - If we only want to initialise the class by providing key word arguments.
    • @dataclass(slots=True) - Faster dataclasses

Pydantic vs Dataclasses

  • We also have pydantic which can be used as dataclass and comes with validators.

    • It does type checking at runtime.
  • Pydantic is an opinionated library built for parsing.

  • By default pydantic will try to convert the values in the types mentioned in the class.
All the types are checked at runtime and type conversions take place at runtime

Checking/converting things at runtime makes a lot of sense when the data we are reading might not be valid or be of the right format. This only makes sense for the specific task of parsing.

  • Using pydantic is a huge waste of resources and time if parsing is not the goal.

    • If some data structure is internal to your application and your application is responsible for creating the data then it would be a huge waste of resources to do runtime checking.
  • It is better to use static type checking.

  • Pydantic is not an alternative to dataclasses.
    • They serve a very different purpose of parsing. Like parsing JSON from a web API.
  • It is very good at what it does but it is not a general purpose thing.

Dataclasses comparison chart

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Last updated: 2022-10-27