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Python Asyncio Coroutine vs Subroutine

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Coroutine vs Subroutines

  • Subroutine calling model:
    • Each time a function is called execution moves to the start of that function then continues until it reaches the end of that function (or a return statement)
    • At this point execution moves back to the point immediately after the function call, any later calls to the function are independent calls which start again at the beginning.
  • Coroutine calling model:
    • In this model there is a new way for the method (called a coroutine) to move execution back to the caller: instead of returning it can yield control.
    • When the coroutine "yields" execution moves back to the point immediately after it was called, but future calls to the coroutine do not start again at the beginning, instead they continue from where the execution left off most recently.
    • This way control can bounce back and forth between the calling code and the coroutine code.
  • Subroutine vs coroutine

    • attachments/Pasted image 20221111093654.jpg
  • Code example:

    def some_function():
        print("yielding 5")
        yield 5
        print("yielding 10")
        yield 10
        print("returning 15")
        # return just raises a stop iteration excpetion
        return 15
    call = some_function()
    # unless and until you call next() generator function won't be executed
    # We call next on the same generator object to return the next item of the iterator
    value1 = next(call)
    value2 = next(call)
    value3 = next(call)
    # OUTPUT:
    # <generator object some_function at 0x10129fd10>
    # yielding 5
    # 5
    # yielding 10
    # 10
    # returning 15
    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    #  File "/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/", line 20, in <module>
    # value3 = next(call)
    # StopIteration: 15
    # this piece of code won't stop code execution since for loop knows how to handle StopIteration exception
    # for i in call:
    #     print(i)

  • Notice that return just raises a StopIteration exception in the generator with the return value as the exception message.
    • Ideally return statements are used to terminate generators with a if clause.
def geometric_progression(a, q):
    k = 0
    while True:
        result = a * q**k
        if result <= 100000:
            yield result
        k += 1

for n in geometric_progression(2,5):
  • Python has had the capability to allow this execution model for some time in the form of Generators.
    • But asyncio adds a new type of coroutine, which allows a natural way to write code where execution can move around between coroutines when the current one gets blocked.

Last updated: 2022-11-11