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Python Pytest

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  • In pytest tests are written as functions.
  • You want all of you tests to be independent of each other so that they can be run independently.
Requirements for pytest to find the tests. If the naming convention is not met then pytest won't be able to find the tests.
  • The file should start with test_ or end in _test.
  • The functions must be prefixed with test_.
  • It is a general convention to keep all the tests within the tests folder but this is not mandatory.
  • Just running pytest will execute all the tests.

    • Executing a specific test file: pytest tests/
    • Executing a specific function in a test file: pytest tests/
  • Commands:

    • Running in verbose mode pytest -v
    • If you have a lot of tests to run and want less output pytest -q
    • Show actual values of local variables in the traceback pytest -l
  • By default pytest only prints something when the tests fail.

    • But if we want pytest to print something then we use pytest -s
  • We can have multiple asserts in a single test function and they will be considered as single test.

    • Each function is a single test irrespective of the assert statements inside it.
  • Each test is quite small and self-contained.

    • This is common you’ll see long function names and NOT a lot going on within a function.
      • The idea is that the function should describe what the test is trying to test.
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    • This serves mainly to keep your tests isolated from each other, so if something breaks, you know exactly where the problem is.
    • A nice side effect is that the labelling is much better in the output.
It is always a good idea that after passing your tests you make them fail intentionally.


  • Fixtures are functions which give data to other functions.
    • This concept is simple yet most powerful in pytest framework.
  • These fixtures run before and then execution of test function follows.
  • A function can declared as a fixture by,
import pytest 

def input_value(): 
    string = "python" 
    return string
  • So, fixture function name is passed as arguments for corresponding test functions and used where ever needed.
  • Here, in fixture function, string variable is returned.
    • This is accesses by rest of the test functions , instead of repeating the same code again and again.
def test_upper(input_value): 
    assert input_value.upper() == "PYTHON" 

def test_isalpha(input_value): 
    assert input_value.isalpha() == True
The major advantage of using fixtures reduces the code complexity, length of code and cost as well.

For example, while establishing database connection, we can make use of these fixtures to code data regarding setting up connection in one place and make use of it where ever needed.

  • In pytest, fixtures are modular.

    • Being modular means that fixtures can be imported, can import other modules, and they can depend on and import other fixtures.
    • If we want to make a fixture available for your whole project without having to import it, a special configuration module called will allow you to do that.
  • Another interesting use case for fixtures and is in guarding access to resources.

    • Imagine that you’ve written a test suite for code that deals with API calls.
    • You want to ensure that the test suite doesn’t make any real network calls even if someone accidentally writes a test that does so.
    • pytest provides a monkeypatch fixture to replace values and behaviours, which we can use to great effect

import pytest
import requests

def disable_network_calls(monkeypatch):
    def stunted_get():
        raise RuntimeError("Network access not allowed during testing!")
    monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", lambda *args, **kwargs: stunted_get())
  • By placing disable_network_calls() in and adding the autouse=True option, you ensure that network calls will be disabled in every test across the suite.
    • Any test that executes code calling requests.get() will raise a RuntimeError indicating that an unexpected network call would have occurred.

Different ways of running tests

  • Run all tests: pytest
  • Run tests in a module: pytest
  • Run tests in a directory: pytest testing/
  • Run a specific test in a module: pytest

Using marker expressions

  • Run tests with marker expressions: pytest -m slow
    • Will run all tests which are decorated with the @pytest.mark.slow decorator
    • Skipping tests: @pytest.mark.skip
  • For using custom markers we need to define them in pytest.ini file.
# sample code
import pytest

def test_regression():

def test_sanity():

def test_release():

def test_api():

def test_api1():
# pytest.ini file
markers =


Last updated: 2023-01-21