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Python Modules and Packages

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Modules & Packages

  • Python modules and Python packages, two mechanisms that facilitate modular programming.
  • Functionsmodules and packages are all constructs in Python that promote code modularisation*.
.py files which are not executed directly are known as modules and a collection of modules is known as a package.
  • Packages allow for a hierarchical structuring of the module namespace using dot notation.
  • In the same way that modules help avoid collisions between global variable namespackages help avoid collisions between module names.
  • This means we can have modules with the same name in different packages.
  • Three different ways to define modules in python:
    • A module can be written in Python itself.
    • A module can be written in C and loaded dynamically at run-time, like the re (regular expression) module.
    • A built-in module is intrinsically contained in the interpreter, like the itertools module.
  • A module's contents are accessed the same way in all three cases: with the import statement.

Importing modules

  • When the interpreter executes the import statement, it searches for the module in a list of directories which can be printed using pprint.pprint(sys.path)
    • The exact contents of sys.path are installation-dependent.
    • This list of directories can be modified by setting PYTHONPATH variable from outside of python or the list of directories can be modified by doing sys.path.append("some-path") from inside of python.
  • Once a module has been imported, you can determine the location where it was found with the module’s __file__ attribute:
  • Example:
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    • The directory portion of __file__ should be one of the directories in sys.path.

Importing a module doesn't make its contents directly accessible to the caller

  • Each module has its own private symbol table, which serves as the global symbol table for all objects defined in the module.
    • Thus, a module creates a separate namespace.
The statement import <module_name> only places <module_name> in the caller's symbol table.

The objects that are defined in the module remain in the module’s private symbol table.

  • From the caller, objects in the module are only accessible when prefixed with <module_name> via dot notation.

  • Examples:


def utils():
    print("Using some utils")
    print(f"Name of the package from the some_package file: {__name__}")

some = 10

import some_package
from pprint import pprint


# Output:

# Executed
# {'__annotations__': {},
# '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
# '__cached__': None,
# '__doc__': None,
# '__file__': '/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/',
# '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x102b1cf40>,
# '__name__': '__main__',
# '__package__': None,
# '__spec__': None,
# 'pprint': <function pprint at 0x102c0dd80>,
# 'some_package': <module 'some_package' from '/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/'>}
- Note the last line 'some_package': <module 'some_package' from '/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/'> - This shows that only some_package was placed in the caller's symbol table but the objects (utils and some) defined in some_package remained in its private symbol table. - To access them we would need to use the dot notation.

from some_package import some
from pprint import pprint


# Output:
# Executed
# {'__annotations__': {},
#  '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
#  '__cached__': None,
#  '__doc__': None,
#  '__file__': '/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/',
#  '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x104ab8f40>,
#  '__name__': '__main__',
#  '__package__': None,
#  '__spec__': None,
#  'pprint': <function pprint at 0x104b91f30>,
#  'some': 10}
- Notice the last line: 'some:' 10 - As compared to above example we have some instead of having the whole of some_package private symbol table.

Any kind of from import places the object names of the module being imported directly into the caller’s symbol table, any objects that already exist with the same name will be overwritten
  • Namespace pollution example:
    from some_package import *
    from pprint import pprint
    # Output:
    # Executed
    # {'__annotations__': {},
    #  '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
    #  '__cached__': None,
    #  '__doc__': None,
    #  '__file__': '/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/',
    #  '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x104d28f40>,
    #  '__name__': '__main__',
    #  '__package__': None,
    #  '__spec__': None,
    #  'pprint': <function pprint at 0x104e19d80>,
    #  'some': 10,
    #  'utils': <function utils at 0x104e19c60>}
  • Notice that both some and utils function got imported from the some_package module.
    • So if you had a function named sum in some_package and used from some_package import * for importing then this would have overwritten the inbuilt sum function.
    • Since python looks for an object according to the LEGB rule.
    • The exception to the above rule is that if the symbols of module being imported start with _ (underscore) then they won't be imported using from some_module import *

Importing modules with alternate names

  • Example:

    from some_package import utils as huhu, some as tutu
    from pprint import pprint
    # Output:
    # Executed
    # {'__annotations__': {},
    #  '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
    #  '__cached__': None,
    #  '__doc__': None,
    #  '__file__': '/Users/sarthaknarayan/Desktop/testfolder/',
    #  '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x100c5cf40>,
    #  '__name__': '__main__',
    #  '__package__': None,
    #  '__spec__': None,
    #  'huhu': <function utils at 0x100d300d0>,
    #  'pprint': <function pprint at 0x100d35f30>,
    #  'tutu': 10}

  • We can import entire module with a different name using import pandas as pd

Using dir()

  • It is quite similar to globals() but instead of listing the object names and their values it just lists the object names.
  • dir is used for listing the attributes and methods of an object -> dir usage.

  • Example:

    from some_package import some
    from pprint import pprint
    print(len(dir()), len(globals().keys()))
    # Output:
    # Executed
    # ['__name__',
    #  '__doc__',
    #  '__package__',
    #  '__loader__',
    #  '__spec__',
    #  '__annotations__',
    #  '__builtins__',
    #  '__file__',
    #  '__cached__',
    #  'some',
    #  'pprint']
    # ['__annotations__',
    #  '__builtins__',
    #  '__cached__',
    #  '__doc__',
    #  '__file__',
    #  '__loader__',
    #  '__name__',
    #  '__package__',
    #  '__spec__',
    #  'pprint',
    #  'some']
    # 11 11

  • Both of them list out exactly the same number of keys.
The built-in function dir() returns a list of defined names in a namespace. Without arguments, it produces an alphabetically sorted list of names in the current local symbol table

If you are running it in the global space then it will list the global symbol table.

  • Listing the local symbol table inside a function using dir()

    def func():
        a = 10
    # Output:
    # ['a']

  • Example: Running dir() after adding objects to code

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  • When given an argument that is the name of a module, dir() lists the names defined in the module:

    import some_package
    from pprint import pprint
    # Output:
    # Executed
    # ['__builtins__',
    #  '__cached__',
    #  '__doc__',
    #  '__file__',
    #  '__loader__',
    #  '__name__',
    #  '__package__',
    #  '__spec__',
    #  'some',
    #  'utils']

Reloading a module

  • For reasons of efficiency, a module is only loaded once per interpreter session.
  • That is fine for function and class definitions, which typically make up the bulk of a module’s contents.
  • But a module can contain executable statements as well, usually for initialisation.

    • Be aware that these statements will only be executed the first time a module is imported.
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  • If you make a change to a module and need to reload it, you need to either restart the interpreter or use a function called reload() from module importlib:

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  • If a file named is present in a package directory, it is invoked when the package or a module in the package is imported.
  • This can be used for execution of package initialisation code, such as initialisation of package-level data.
Importing just the package is of NO use as it  DOES NOT place any of the modules in pkg into the local namespace.

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- We will have to use something like import pkg.mod1 or from pkg import mod1 - dir() can be used to verify if the module is in the namespace of the caller or not.

  • from package import * does nothing if unless __all__ is defined in package/
  • __all__ can also be used in modules to define what all needs to be imported using from module import *
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Last updated: 2022-12-18