Design Patterns SOLID Principles
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SOLID Design Principles¶
- These were introduced by Robert C Martin (a.k.a Uncle Bob).
Single Responsibility Principle (S)¶
Your package/struct/class should have a single primary responsibility
- Separation of concerns
- Putting everything in a single place is an anti-pattern and is also known as a God object/class.
- For example
- If you have a journal struct then it should only be responsible for adding, removing and listing entries from the journal
- It should not be concerned with persistence like saving it to a file or uploading it somewhere.
- It should be handled by other functions or package. This way we are making sure we are not making a God Class/Object.
Open Closed Principle (O)¶
It states that types should be open for extension but closed for modification.
- Enterprise Pattern : Specification
- Illustration of Open Closed Principle is very well illustrated with the Specification pattern
- The specification pattern uses a bunch of interfaces
Try to remember the colour specification pattern.
Liskov Substitution Principle (L)¶
- It primarily deals with inheritance and is directly not applicable to Go.
Interface Segregation Principle (I)¶
- It is the simplest principle in SOLID.
It states that you shouldn't put too much in an interface.
Try to split up the interface.
Last updated: 2022-07-07