Git Commands
Links: 106 Git Index
git add
: stage the changesgit add <file-name>
git add .
: all the changesgit add -A
: to stage all the changesgit add -u
: only stage the files that were updated, it will not stage the files which were newly added.git add -p file_name
: use it when you don't want to add the whole file to the staging area and only want to add some changes.- You will be asked which changes you want to stage using the command line prompt of y/n.
Discarding local changes (before staging) (tracked)¶
git restore
: discard the changes before staging. It only works if the files have been tracked previously.git restore .
git restore <file-name>
- In older versions of git it was
git checkout -- <file-name>
. For more info read Discarding local changes unstaged
Discarding local changes (untracked)¶
- If the file isn't tracked by git, it's not git's job to remove it. Just use normal shell commands, like
instead ofgit rm
. - If you want to delete all untracked files, you could do a
git clean
. git clean -n
: Dry run filesgit clean -nd
: Dry run files and foldersgit clean -f
: Remove untracked filesgit clean -fd
: Remove untracked files and foldersgit clean -fx
: To remove ignored and non ignored files
Cancel Staged changes (before committing)¶
git restore --staged <file-name>
: Unstage the changes, i.e. remove them from the staging area.git reset HEAD <file-name>
: older way of doing it.git reset .
git commit
: open editor for typing the commit messages
Cancelling local commits¶
Using Revert¶
git revert
: This will open the default editor, now you can edit the default commit message or leave it as is. Save and close the file.git revert HEAD
: If you just want to cancel the last commit- We may cancel any random commit in history, pointing out its hash value or tags.
git revert HEAD --no-edit
: No editor. Commit message of the reverted commit will be used.
- This doesn't change the history so this technique can be applied to any commit (however there may be conflicts). It is safe to use even in public branches of remote repositories.
- Both original and cancelled commits are seen in the history of the branch
- Revert Example
Using Reset (incomplete)¶
- Use only in private branches (branches in which no one else is working) since you will be modifying the history.
git reset --hard <tag/hash/relative-ref>
: this will move the branch you are on to that commit.git reset --mixed <tag/hash/relative-ref>
: default, moves the all the changes (from yourHEAD
to hash) to the unstaged area.git reset --soft <tag/hash/relative-ref>
: moves the all the changes (from yourHEAD
to hash) to the staging area
Don't use hard reset
Changing commits¶
- Amending the previous commit
- Or we can use interactive rebase
Squashing commits¶
- Any rebase operation will change the history so try to use in private branches only.
git rebase -i HEAD~3
: interactive rebase of last 3 commits.- Interactive rebase alters every commit after the one you specify
git rebase -i HEAD
: No commits after HEAD so it does nothing
- When you squash from bottom it moves to the most recent pick in upward direction. Squashed up in pick from bottom.
Whenever you use git log
it will show you commits from newest to oldest whereas interactive rebase shows commits from oldest to newest.
git log
git log --pretty=oneline
git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=short
: most useful.git --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=short --all
: The--all
flag guarantees that we see all the branches. By default, only the current branch is displayed.
Checking out older versions¶
git checkout <hash>
- Generally used for tagging versions.
git tag <tag-name>
: to tag the commit you are on currently- If you want to tag older commits for reference and easy jumping then
git checkout <hash>
,git tag <tag-name>
- or use the below command
- If you want to tag older commits for reference and easy jumping then
git tag <tag-name> <commit-hash>
: tag a specific commit without checking it out.- We can easily jump between commits using tag-names
git checkout <tag-name>
- We can easily jump between commits using tag-names
git tag
: to list all the tagsgit tag -d <tag-name>
: to delete that tag- Git Tags Example
Moving files¶
git mv file destination
- By moving files with git, we notify git about two things
- The file was deleted.
- The
file was created.
- Both facts are staged immediately and ready for a commit. Git status command reports the file has been moved.
git rebase <branch-name>
- Interactive Rebase Example
Do NOT use Interactive Rebase on commits that you've already pushed/shared on a remote repository
Instead, use it for cleaning up your local commit history before merging it into a shared team branch.
git push -u origin
: push to the same branch as the local one
- Adding submodules to our parent repo:
git submodule add <remote-url>
- Downloading the submodules for a cloned repo:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- The above step can be omitted and can be combined with the the git clone command:
git clone --recursive-submodules <url>
- More about Submodules
- do soft, the other changes goes to unstaged area, add them and stash them.
- another way of squashing commit: reset to the oldest after which you want the commits, the changes will be in unstaged area, add them, and now make the single commit.
- or interactive rebase.
- Force push to remove a commit from upstream.
- Forking and updating
git fetch --all --prune
: to fetch the upstream changes, what is upstream?git reset --hard upstream/main
: local will be synced, push this to update your repo also- or
git pull upstream main
and not push to your repo
Last updated: 2022-06-23