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Git Remote Repository

Links: 106 Git Index

What happens when you do a git clone

  • The first thing you may have noticed is that a new branch appeared in our local repository called origin/main.
  • This type of branch is called a remote branch; remote branches have special properties because they serve a unique purpose.
  • Remote branches reflect the state of remote repositories (since you last talked to those remote repositories).
    • They help you understand the difference between your local work and what work is public.
Remote branches have the special property that when you check them out, you are put into detached HEAD mode.

Git does this on purpose because you can't work on these branches directly; you have to work elsewhere and then share your work with the remote (after which your remote branches will be updated).

  • Initial:
    • Dotted lines is the remote
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220619194851.jpg
  • git checkout origin/main; git commit
    • As you can see, git put us into detached HEAD mode and then did not update origin/main when we added a new commit.
    • This is because origin/main will only update when the remote updates.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220619194938.jpg

Fetch vs Pull

  • git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220610192442.jpg


  • Fetching data from the remote repository
  • When you do not want to directly merge the changes from the remote repository and want to first review the code, then it is suggested to use git fetch.
  • Initial:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220619195238.jpg
  • git fetch

    • Notice that only origin/main moved, our local repo main is still at the same point
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220619195308.jpg
    • Commits C2 and C3 were downloaded to our local repository, and our remote branch origin/main was updated to reflect this.
  • git fetch performs two main steps, and two main steps only

    • Downloads the commits that the remote has but are missing from our local repository
    • Updates where our remote branches point (for instance, origin/main)
What fetch doesn't do
  • git fetch does not change anything about your local state.
  • It will not update your main branch or change anything about how your file system looks right now.
  • This is important to understand because a lot of developers think that running git fetch will make their local work reflect the state of the remote.
  • It may download all the necessary data to do that, but it does not actually change any of your local files.
  • So at the end of the day, you can think of running git fetch as a download step.


  • When you use git pull, git tries to automatically merge.
    • git pull automatically merges the commits without letting you review them first.
    • If you don’t carefully manage your branches, you may run into frequent conflicts.
  • git will merge any pulled commits into the branch you are currently working on.
  • Initial:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220619200014.jpg
  • git fetch; git merge origin/main
    • We downloaded C3 with a fetch and then merged in that work with git merge o/main.
    • Now our main branch reflects the new work from the remote (in this case, named origin)
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220619200124.jpg
Above is essentially what git pull does.

What happens when you do a git push

  • Initial state:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220623190045.jpg
  • git push:
    • The remote received commit C2, the branch main on the remote was updated to point at C2, and our own reflection of the remote (o/main) was updated as well.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220623190129.jpg

Diverged state

  • Imagine you clone a repository on Monday and start dabbling on a side feature. By Friday you are ready to publish your feature -- but oh no! Your coworkers have written a bunch of code during the week that's made your feature out of date (and obsolete). They've also published these commits to the shared remote repository, so now your work is based on an old version of the project that's no longer relevant.
  • In this case, the command git push is ambiguous. If you run git push, should git change the remote repository back to what it was on Monday? Should it try to add your code in while not removing the new code? Or should it totally ignore your changes since they are totally out of date?
  • Because there is so much ambiguity in this situation (where history has diverged), git doesn't allow you to push your changes. It actually forces you to incorporate the latest state of the remote before being able to share your work.
  • Example problem
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220623190444.jpg
    • git push fails because your most recent commit C3 is based off of the remote at C1. The remote has since been updated to C2 though, so git rejects your push.
  • Solution: using rebase
    • Initial state:
      • attachments/Pasted image 20220623190659.jpg
    • git fetch; git rebase origin/main; git push
      • First we download the commit C2, now we rebase creating C3` and then we push the changes.
      • attachments/Pasted image 20220623190807.jpg
  • Solution: using merge
    • git fetch; git merge origin/main; git push
      • attachments/Pasted image 20220623191234.jpg
git pull is a shorthand for fetch and merge and git pull --rebase is a shorthand for fetch and rebase.
In order to push new updates to the remote, all you need to do is incorporate the latest changes from the remote.

That means you can either rebase or merge in the remote branch (e.g. origin/main).

Fork (incomplete)

  • Setting upstream

Stash (commands incomplete)

  • Scenario: Suppose you are working on a repository with two branches, A and B. The A and B branches have diverged from each other for quite some time and have different heads. While working on some files in branch A, your team asks you to fix a bug in branch B. You quickly save your changes to A and try to check out branch B with git checkout B.
  • Git won't allow you to checkout B without stashing the changes you made in branch A.
  • The git stash command takes your uncommitted changes (both staged and unstaged), and saves them away for later use.
    • The stash is local to your Git repository; stashes are not transferred to the server when you push.
    • Git temporarily saves your data safely without committing.

Last updated: 2022-06-23