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Rust Variable, Constants and Shadowing

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  • Before understanding variables we need to understand that Rust is a statically and strongly typed language.
  • We can either explicitly define the types or leave it to the compiler to infer it which known as implicit type assignment.
    • let x = 4 : implicit type assignment. You cannot change the type of the variable throughout the program.
  • By default in rust all variables are immutable. To fix this we use the keyword mut
    • let mut x = 4;
  • You can redefine variables in rust. This is another way of assigning a different value to a variable if you don't want to use mut.

    • This is not allowed in most other programming languages.
      fn main(){
       let x = 4;
       let x = 5;
  • While redefining variables we can change their type. Like from int to string.

Name Shadowing

fn main() {
    let x = 4;
    println!("Value of x: {}",x);

        let x = x - 2;
        println!("Value of x : {}",x);

    let x = x + 1;
    println!("Value of x: {}", x);
- Output: 4,2,5


  • Naming convention is to use all upper case letters separated by underscores.
  • When you define a constant you need to define its type. This is compulsory. Defining the type was optional with normal variables.
    • const TIME_SECONDS: u32 = 60;
  • Unlike a variable constants cannot be redefined.
    fn main(){
     const TIME_SECONDS: u32 = 60;
     // this wrong and will give an error
     const TIME_SECONDS: u32 = 67;

Last updated: 2022-05-15