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Linux Bash strict mode issues and solutions

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Issues & Solutions

  • There are some things that don't work under bash strict mode that would have worked under normal mode.

Sourcing A Nonconforming Document

source some/bad/file.env
# Your strict-mode script immediately exits here,
# with a fatal error.
  • The solution to this is to temporarily turn off the strict mode, source the file and then turn the strict mode on.
set +u # disable
source some/bad/file.env
set -u # enable
  • Remember, set +u disables this variable strictness, and set -u enables it.
    • A bit counterintuitive.
  • Sourced documents rarely need -e or -o pipefail to be disabled.
    • But if you ever encounter that, you deal with it the same way.

Positional Parameters

  • The -u setting causes the script to immediately exit if any undefined variable references are made, except for $* or $@.
  • But what if your script takes positional arguments - $1$2, etc. - and you want to verify (using -z test) that they were supplied? Consider this script named
    • ./ line 3: $1: unbound variable
  • The solution is to use default values
    • bash has a syntax for declaring a default value, using the :- operator.
# Variable $foo has not been set. In strict mode,
# next line triggers an error.

# So here, $bar is set to "alpha":

# Now we set foo explicitly:

# ... and the default value is ignored. Here $bar is set to "beta":

# To make the default an empty string, use ${VARNAME:-}
  • Under strict mode
    if [ -z "$name" ](../%20-z%20%22$name%22%20); then
        echo "usage: $0 NAME"
        exit 1
    echo "Hello, $name"

Intentionally undefined variables

  • In the default mode, a reference to an undefined variable evaluates to an empty string - a behaviour that is sometimes relied on.
    • That's not an option in strict mode.
  • To solve it explicitly set the variable to an empty string early on in the script, before any reference to it.
# ...
# a bunch of lines of code that may or may not set someVar
# ...
if [ -z "$someVar" ](../%20-z%20%22$someVar%22%20); then
# ...

Commands You Expect To Have Nonzero Exit Status

  • What happens when you want to run a command that will fail, or which you know will have a nonzero exit code?
    • You don't want it to stop your script, because that's actually correct behaviour.
  • There are two choices here.
    • The simplest, which you will usually want to use, is to append "|| true" after the command
    • Other choice is to disable error code checking before running that section.
# choice 1

# "grep -c" reports the number of matching lines. If the number is 0,
# then grep's exit status is 1, but we don't care - we just want to
# know the number of matches, even if that number is zero.

# Under strict mode, the next line aborts with an error:
count=$(grep -c some-string some-file)

# But this one behaves more nicely:
count=$(grep -c some-string some-file || true)

echo "count: $count"
  • This short-circuiting with the boolean operator makes the expression inside $( ... ) always evaluate successfully.
# choice 2

# We had started out this script with set -e . And then...

set +e
count=$(grep -c some-string some-file)
set -e

# grep's return code is 0 when one or more lines match;
# 1 if no lines match; and 2 on an error. This pattern
# lets us distinguish between them.

echo "return value: $retval"
echo "count: $count"

Essential Clean-up

  • Suppose your script is structured like:
    • Spin up some expensive resource
    • Do something with it
    • Release that resource so it doesn't keep running and generate a giant bill
  • For "expensive resource", this can be something like an EC2 instance that costs you real money.
  • Or it could be something much smaller - like a scratch directory - that you want to create for the script to use, then be sure to delete once it is complete (so it doesn't leak storage, etc).
  • With the set -e option, it is possible an error will cause your script to exit before it can perform the cleanup, which is not acceptable.
  • The solution to this is using bash exit traps.
    • You define a bash function that performs the clean-up or release of resources, and then register the function to be automatically invoked on exit.
scratch=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
function finish {
  rm -rf "$scratch"
trap finish EXIT

# Now your script can write files in the directory "$scratch".
# It will automatically be deleted on exit, whether that's due
# to an error, or normal completion.

Short-Circuiting Considerations

  • In case of short-circuit even if one of the expressions returns an exit code of other than 0 set -e won't exit the script abruptly.
cd nonexistent && echo "nonexistent directory found"

echo "Program ends"

# Output:
# ./ line 6: cd: nonexistent: No such file or directory
# Program ends
  • You can all freely use short-circuiting, but simply don't allow a short-circuit expression to be on the last line of a script, for anything actually deployed.

    • This may work 100% reliably for you and your team, but I don't believe that is the case for myself and many other developers.
  • Reason:

    cd nonexistent && echo "nonexistent directory found"

  • This can be thought of as a bug

    • attachments/Pasted image 20221219002448.jpg
    • Even though the program exited successfully the exit code is not one.
  • Perhaps a safer option is to decide never to use short-circuiting at all, and always use full if-statements instead.

Empty array

# This will sometimes break, depending on the version of Bash.
# The intended behavior is to have this code break.
echo "All elements in the array:" "${ARR[@]}"

# Yes, it will fail even though ARR is defined.  Because it is an empty
# array, Bash treats it as undefined.

# Option 1
# Wrap in a conditional
if [ ${ ⮕ ARR[@]} -gt 0 ](../%20$%7B#arr--gt-0-); then
    echo "All elements in the array:" "${ARR[@]}"

Last updated: 2022-12-19