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Go Structs

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  • Struct is a sequence of named elements, called fields.
    • Each of them has a name and a type.
  • If you are familiar with OOP from other languages you can think of a struct as of a class.
    • The struct fields are like the instance attributes we define in OOP.
  • Unlike traditional Object-Oriented Programming, Go does not have a class-object architecture.
    • Rather we have structs which hold complex data structures.
  • A structs is nothing more that a schema containing a blueprint of data a structure will hold.
    • This blueprint is fixed at compile time.
    • It's not allowed to change the name or the type of the fields at runtime.
    • You can't add or remove fields from a struct at runtime.

Creating Structs

  • In the below example order matters
    type book struct {
        name, author string // types of the same type can be on the same line
        year int
    book1 := book{"abs", "deb", 1923} 
    // book is struct type whereas book1 is a struct
    // In OOP book1 would have been an object and book would have been a class
  • Above is not the recommended way to initialise structs
    book2 := book{title: "abc", author: "drd", year: 1289}
    // order doesnot matter anymore
  • If we create a struct by omitting some values of fields, they will be assigned default values.
  • We can also create a struct with the default value of its types
    book3 = book{}

Retrieving and updating fields

  • To retrieve fields and update we use the . operator
    book1.title = "new title"

Comparison of Structs

  • We can compare structs using == sign
  • For 2 structs to be equal all the fields must have the same value

Creating a copy

  • We can use = or := to create a copy.
    • This is contrary to what happens in maps and slices
      type book struct {
          name string
          year int
      book1 := book{name: "abc", year: 1928}
      book2 := book1
      book2.year = 9999
      fmt.Println(book1, book2) // {abc 1928} {abc 9999}
      // only book2 was modified

Anonymous Structs

book3 := struct {
    title, author string
    year int
    title: "abc",
    author: "cde",
    year: 2343,
- In the above example we have created a book3 struct without defining a struct type alias - This is useful when we don't want to reuse a struct type - Anonymous fields
type book struct {
b1 := book{"abc", 1234}
fmt.Println(b1.string) // abc
- We can mix anonymous fields with named fields
type book struct {
    title string
    year int

Embedded Structs

  • An embedded struct is just a struct that acts like field in another struct
  • The advantage is that embedded structs can also be used as standalone structs
    type address struct {
        city, country string
    type employee struct {
        name       string
        newAddress address
    emp1 := employee{
        name: "Sarthak",
        newAddress: address{
            city:    "abc",
            country: "dde",
        }, // important since we are declaring multiline structs
    fmt.Println( // abc
    fmt.Printf("%+v", emp1) // {name:Sarthak newAddress:{city:abc country:dde}}


type person struct {
    name   string
    age    int
    colors []string
me := person{
    name: "Marius", 
    age: 30, 
    colors: []string{"red", "yellow"},

Last updated: 2022-06-18