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Go Slice Working

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Slice Working

  • Slice is nothing but a portion of an array.
Slice occupies less memory than slice
The backing array stores the elements, not the slice.

Slice Header

  • Slice Header is the runtime representation of a slice
  • Go implements a slice as a data structure called slice header.
  • Slice Header contains 3 fields:
    • The address of the backing array (pointer). Address pointer of the first element in the backing array since elements of the array are contiguous.
    • The length of the slice. len() returns it.
      • It is the number of elements in the slice
    • The capacity of the slice. cap() returns it.
      • So capacity is just the number of elements from the first pointer to the end of the array.
        values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
        slice := values[1:3]
        fmt.Println(values, slice) // [1 2 3 4 5] [2 3]
        fmt.Println(len(values), cap(values)) // 5 5
        fmt.Println(len(slice), cap(slice)) // 2 4
        // both of them share the same backing array
        slice[0] = 56
        fmt.Println(values, slice) // [1 56 3 4 5] [56 3]
  • Length and capacity are may or may not be same for slices. In the example below length is 2 and capacity is 3.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220528103642.jpg
    • If we choose to extend the slice to 9 then both the length and capacity will be 3.
  • If we extend the backing array then the capacity will increase without affecting the length of the slice.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220528103810.jpg
  • A nil slice doesn't a have backing array. Its len & cap is 0.
  • Slice Header can be thought of as being represented internally by a structure type.
    type slice struct {  
        Length        int
        Capacity      int
        ZerothElement *byte
  • When you print the address of the slice/array you actually print the address of the pointer pointing to the starting element. So if two slices have the same starting element they will have the same pointer address value. ^pointerexample
    values := []int8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} // note int8 here that's why we have 18031 
    slice1, slice2, slice3 := values[:4], values[:2], values[1:4]
    fmt.Printf("%p,%p,%p", slice1, slice2, slice3)
    // arrays/slices are contiguous memory locations
    // 0xc000018030, 0xc000018030, 0xc000018031


The starting address pointer of the slice can only be moved forward

attachments/Pasted image 20220528114404.jpg

// moving the address pointer forward
values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slice := values[1:]
fmt.Println(values, slice) // [1 2 3 4 5] [2 3 4 5]
fmt.Println(len(slice), cap(slice)) // 4 4
slice = slice[1:]
fmt.Println(slice) // [3 4 5]
fmt.Println(len(slice), cap(slice)) // 3 3
  • With the help of cap we can reslice our slice and extend it. This is because slicing operations see the whole backing array.
  • But we cannot extend it backwards since address pointer cannot move back.
    values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    slice := values[1:3]
    fmt.Println(values, slice) // [1 2 3 4 5] [2 3]
    fmt.Println(len(values), cap(values)) // 5 5
    fmt.Println(len(slice), cap(slice)) // 2 4
    // reslicing our slice
    fmt.Println(slice[:cap(slice)]) // [2 3 4 5]

Creating a new slice

  • A slice expression (slicing) doesn't create a new backing array, the slice returned after the operation refers to the backing array of the original slice.
    • Slicing creates a new slice header with the same backing array.
    • Starting addresses pointer may or may not be different. Example
      // Example that slices share the same backing array
      values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
      v2, v3 := values[0:2], values[1:3]
      values[1] = 400
      fmt.Println(values, v2, v3) // [1 400 3 4 5] [1 400] [400 3]
We cannot create a new slice using slicing
  • We have to use copy since it creates a separate underlying array for the destination slice.
  • We can also use append to create a new slice (new backing array) only if the slice capacity is full. That is when len(slice) == cap(slice). Example

Backing Array

  • When we create a slice using values := []int{1,2,3,4,5} behind the scenes
    • Go first creates an array containing elements [1,2,3,4,5] which will be used as the backing array.
    • Go then creates a slice from the created backing array.
  • If we create a slice out of an array then the first step of creating a backing array is omitted since the array is used as the backing array.

Internals of Append

  • append is a not a very efficient operation
  • A new backing array is created if slice capacity is full. That is when len(slice) == cap(slice)
  • At the beginning the growth ratio is 2 then it decreases. That is capacity of the new backing array is double that of the previous backing array.
    • This is done to avoid creating a new backing array when the next append() is called.
  • Most important example. ^importantexample
    values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
    fmt.Println(len(values), cap(values)) // 6 6
    values2 := append(values, 56)
    values[1] = 23
    // using different backing array
    fmt.Println(values, values2) // [1 23 3 4 5 6] [1 2 3 4 5 6 56]
    // the original array didnot expand
    fmt.Println(len(values), cap(values)) // 6 6
    // the new expanded array
    fmt.Println(len(values2), cap(values2)) // 7 12
    // since our capacity is 12 we should be using the same backing array for the next append function
    values3 := append(values2, 324)
    fmt.Println(values2, values3) // [1 2 3 4 5 6 56] [1 2 3 4 5 6 56 324]
    fmt.Println(cap(values2), cap(values3)) // 12 12
    values3[2] = 90
    fmt.Println(values2, values3) // [1 2 90 4 5 6 56] [1 2 90 4 5 6 56 324]
    fmt.Println(values2[:cap(values2)]) // [1 2 90 4 5 6 56 324 0 0 0 0]
    // hence proved we were using the same backing array for this append
    letters := []string{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
    letters = append(letters[:1], "X", "Y")
    fmt.Println(letters, len(letters), cap(letters)) // [A X Y] 3 6
    // fmt.Println(letters[4]) -> error as it cannot see the full backing array
    // but slicing operations can see the full backing array
    fmt.Println(letters[3:6]) // [D E F]

Memory Leak Example

  • Slices hold a reference to the underlying array.
  • As long as the slice is in memory, the array cannot be garbage collected.
  • This might be of concern when it comes to memory management.
    func main() {
        subslice := testSubSlice()
        fmt.Println(subslice, " length: ", "remaining underlying array: ", subslice[:cap(subslice)])
    func testSubSlice() []int {
        values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
        // do some work
        return values[1:4]
    // [2 3 4]  length:  remaining underlying array:  [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
  • The solution for this memory leak is to utilise the copy function
  • When the function exits the garbage collector will know that original array is not being used anymore
    func main() {
        subslice := testSubSlice()
        fmt.Println(subslice, " length: ", "remaining underlying array: ", subslice[:cap(subslice)])
    func testSubSlice() []int {
        values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
        sub := make([]int, 3)
        copy(sub, values[1:4])
        return sub


Last updated: 2022-05-28