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Go Concurrency

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Concurrency vs Parallelism

  • Concurrency means loading more goroutines at a time. If one goroutine blocks, another one is picked up and started. On single core CPU you can run ONLY concurrent applications but they are not run in parallel.
  • Parallelism means multiple goroutines executed at the same time.
    • It requires multiple CPUs.
  • Concurrency means independently executing processes or dealing with multiple things at once, while parallelism is the simultaneous execution of processes and require multiple core CPUs.
  • Concurrency means context switching.
    • CPU time is divided between different processes.
  • Most languages were designed with a single processor in mind.


  • A goroutine is a lightweight thread of execution
    • Goroutines are key ingredients to achieve concurrency in Go.
  • A goroutine is a function that is capable of running concurrently with other functions.
  • To create a goroutine we use the keyword go followed by a function invocation
  • Goroutines are far smaller that threads, they typically take around 2kB of stack space to initialise compared to a thread which takes a fixed size of 1-2Mb.
  • An OS Thread Stack is fixed size but a goroutine stack size shrinks and grows as needed.
  • OS threads are scheduled by the OS kernel, but goroutines are scheduled by its own Go Scheduler using a technique called m:n scheduling, because it multiplexes (or schedules) m goroutines on n OS threads.
    • Scheduling a goroutine is much cheaper than scheduling a thread.
  • Goroutines have no identity. There is no notion of identity that is accessible to the programmer.


  • We can explicitly control the number of threads (logical CPUs) that will be used using runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)

    • This is the n in m:n scheduling
    • If argument is < 1 then it doesn't change the setting
    • It is by default equal to the number of logical cpu cores runtime.NumCPU()
    • More threads will generally increase performance but a lot can slow it down.
  • If you set GOMAXPROCS to 1 then you will have a truly concurrent application.

In general if you are developing an application you should start with GOMAXPROCS > 1 to find any concurrency or race conditions in the application.


  • By default main doesn't wait for other go routines to finish.
    • We need some sort of synchronisation.
      import (
      func f2() {
          fmt.Println("function 2")
      func main() {
          fmt.Println("hello there")
          go f2()
          fmt.Println("last line of main")
      // hello there
      // last line of main
  • In the above example f2 didn't get time to execute and main didn't wait for it.
    • If we would have added a delay then f2 would have got time to execute but this is not ideal.
  • This synchronisation problem is solved by waitgroups
    • It will wait of all the go routines that have been launched to finish.
  • The pattern to use sync.WaitGroup is:

    • Create a new variables of a sync.WaitGroup (wg)
    • Call wg.Add(n) where n is the number of goroutines to wait for
    • Execute defer wg.Done() in each goroutine to indicate to the WaitGroup that the goroutine has finished executing
    • Call wg.Wait() in main() where we want to block.
      import (
      func f2(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
          defer (*wg).Done() // same as wg.Done()
          fmt.Println("function 2")
      func main() {
          var wg sync.WaitGroup
          wg.Add(1) // no of goroutines
          fmt.Println("hello there")
          go f2(&wg) // takes a pointer to wg
          fmt.Println("last line of main")
      // hello there
      // function 2
      // last line of main
  • We can also define waitgroups globally and use them in our functions.

var wg = sync.WaitGroup{}

func p1(a int) {
    defer wg.Done()

func main() {
    go p1(45)


import (

func checkAndSaveBody(url string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%s is DOWN!\n", url)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Status Code: %d  ", resp.StatusCode)

func main() {

    urls := []string{"", "", ""}

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    wg.Add(len(urls)) //  n is len(urls) - the number of goroutines to wait for

    // this would be very fast if we had thousands of urls to check
    for _, url := range urls {
        go checkAndSaveBody(url, &wg)

    fmt.Println("No. of Goroutines:", runtime.NumGoroutine())

// No. of Goroutines: 4
// is DOWN!
// Status Code: 200  Writing response Body to
// Status Code: 200  Writing response Body to

Last updated: 2022-06-18