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Go Maps

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  • It is like an object in JS or dictionary in Python.
  • The main advantage of maps is that add, get and delete operations take constant expected time.
    • This is because maps are backed by hash tables
  • All the keys and the values in a Map are statically typed and must have the same type.
    • Keys and values don't have to be of the same type. We can have keys of type string and values of type integers.
  • The keys in a map must be unique, but the values don't have to be unique.
  • We can use any comparable type as a key map.
    • A comparable type is that type that supports the comparing operator which is the double equals sign.
    • Even if it's possible, it's not recommended to use a float as a key. A float has some comparable issues.
    • Slices are non comparable and cannot be used as keys for maps whereas arrays are comparable and can be used as keys for maps.
      • var test map[[5]int]string
    • Comparable types: string, int, bool, arrays
  • We cannot compare a map to another map.
    • We can only compare a map to nil.
  • Maps are unordered data structures in Go.
  • Declaring Maps
    • Zero value of a map is nil
      var employees map[string]string
      fmt.Print("%#v",employees) // map[string]string(nil)
  • To find the number of key value pairs in the map we use len

Missing Keys

  • We can get the value of a key in a map even if it does not exist.
    • There is no error
    • If the key does not exist in the map it returns the default value of that type
      var employees map[string]string
      fmt.Println(employees["DAN"]) // "" -> empty string
  • But sometimes we need to differentiate between the default value and non existent key
    • This can be done using the , ok syntax
    • value, ok = employees["DAN"]
    • There ok contains a bool value. true if the key is present in the map otherwise its false

Inserting values in a map

  • We cannot populate an uninitialised map. That is you cannot assign to a nil map.
    // this is an uninitialised map
    var employees map[string]string
    // employees["DAN"] = "45" -> this will give an error
  • Initialising declared maps
    var employees map[string]string
    employees = map[string]string {
        "DAN": "45"
  • We can populate an initialised map
    • This is an empty but an initialised map
      people := map[string]string{}
      people["DAN"] = "54"
      // or 
      var people = map[string]string{}
  • We can also use make to create an empty but initialised map
    map1 = make(map[int]int)
    map1[4] = 8
  • Initialising the map while declaring it
    people := map[string]string{
        "Test": "43", // this , is important. This was same for multi line arrays and slices
    // or
    var people = map[string]string{"Dan":"45"}
If the key exists its value is updated. If the key doesn't exist it is created.

Cloning a map

  • When a map variable is declared, Go creates a pointer to a map header in memory.
  • When a map is copied to another map using = or := just the pointer is copied and not the elements. So the new map also points to the same elements
    friends := map[string]int{"dan": 54, "maria": 32}
    neighbours := friends
    neighbours["dan"] = 1
    fmt.Println(friends) // map[dan:1 maria:32]
    // neighbours and friends have the same map header
  • For copying a map we have to loop over the existing map and assign key and values to the new map
    friends := map[string]int{"dan": 54, "maria": 32}
    people := map[string]int{}
    for key, value := range friends {
        people[key] = value
    people["dan"] = 1
    fmt.Println(friends, people) // map[dan:54 maria:32] map[dan:1 maria:32]


  • Looping over maps
    for key, value := range map1 {
        // statements
  • Deleting a key value pair from map
    • It is not necessary to check if the key exists or not before calling the delete. There is no error even if the key doesn't exist.
    • delete(mapName, "key")
  • We know maps cannot be compared. One way of comparing them is converting them into strings and then comparing them
    • This can be done when keys and values are of type string
      m1 := map[string]string{"A": "B"}
      m2 := map[string]string{"C": "D"}
      s1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s",m1)
      s2 := fmt.Sprintf("%s",m2)
      if s1 == s2

Last updated: 2022-05-28