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Go Functions

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  • Go recommends writing function names in simple word or camelCase.
Within the same package function names must be unique!
  • One of Go's features is that functions and methods can return multiple values.
  • Go doesn't support function overloading.
  • In Go functions are first class citizens. This means
    • Functions can be assigned to variables
    • Can be passed as arguments to other functions
    • Or return from other functions

Defining functions

func f1(a int, b int){
    // statements
- Shorthand parameter notation
func f1(a,b int, c,d float64) {
    // statements

There are no default arguments in Go.

Returning values

  • If the function is returning something its return type must be specified
  • Simple return
    func f1(a int) int {
        return a

Multiple return

  • If error is returned then as a convention it should be the last parameter
  • For multiple return values type must be inside parenthesis
    func f1(a int) (string, int) {
        // statements
        return "hello", 54
    a, b := f1(3)
    _, d := f1(5) // if you are interested in only one value 

Named Return

  • We can return the named parameters without any value.
  • This is known as naked return and should only be used in short functions as it harms the readability in long functions.
    // behind the scenes it does var s string inside the function
    func f1(a int) (s string) {
        fmt.Println(s, a) // "" 45 -> we get default value since it has been declared
        s = "hello"
        return // naked return, same as return s
    val := f1(45)
    fmt.Println(val) // hello
  • We can also return multiple values with named return
    func f1(a int) (s string, b int) {
        s = "hello"
        b = 100
    val, b := f1(45)
    fmt.Println(val, b) // hello 100

Variadic Functions

  • Variadic functions take variable number of arguments
    • We use variadic function when the number of arguments is unknown
  • Ellipsis prefix (three-dots) in front of the parameter type makes a function variadic.
  • The function may be called with 0 or more parameters
  • If the function takes parameters of different types then only the last parameter of the function can be variadic.
    func f1(a, string b) {} // this is wrong
    func f1(b string, a {} // this is correct
  • fmt.Println is an example of variadic function
  • We can paste a slice to a variadic function by postfixing it with the variadic operator (...)
    • You can think it as taking out all the values of slice and then passing them to the function
      // here type of a is []int
      func f1(a {
          fmt.Printf("%T, %#v\n", a, a)
      f1(1, 2, 3, 4) // []int, []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
      f1() // []int, []int(nil)
      slice := []int{12, 13, 14}
      f1(slice...) // []int, []int{12, 13, 14}
  • We cannot pass arrays to variadic functions
    • variadic functions use slices and []int != [4]int
      func f1(a {
          a[0] = 100
      slice := [4]int{1, 2, 3, 4}
      // error -> cannot use slice (variable of type [4]int) as type []int in argument to f1
      // notice the types in error
  • Example
    func main() {
        fmt.Println("Hello world")
        b := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
        fmt.Println(b) // {54, 2 ,3, 4}
    func test(a {
        a[0] = 54


  • A defer statement postpones the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns but before any return value.
  • If there are multiple deferrals then go will execute them in the reverse order of their deferral. Think of it as going from bottom to top (only for the deferred functions).
  • The arguments of the deferred functions are evaluated immediately but not executed until the surrounding function returns.
  • defer statement is used to make sure some function is executed later for cleanup like when opening a file we defer the file close function.

    func f1() {
        fmt.Println("This is function 1")
    func f2() {
        fmt.Println("This is function 2")
    func f3() {
        fmt.Println("This is function 3")
    func main() {
        defer f1() // 5
        f2() // 1
        fmt.Println("penultimate statement") // 2
        defer f3() // 4
        fmt.Printn("last statement") // 3
    // This is function 2
    // penultimate statement
    // last statement
    // This is function 3
    // This is function 1

  • Example: Arguments evaluated at time defer is executed, not at time of function execution.

    func main() {
        a := "start"
        defer fmt.Println(a)
        a = "end"
    // start

Anonymous Function

  • These functions don't have any name and are declared inline.
  • These can be used to form closures.
    func (a string) {
    // saying that we are returning a function of type int
    func increment(a int) func() int {
        // returning an anonymous function
        return func() int {
            return a
        // we are not executing the function immediately as in above example
    func main() {
        inc := increment(10)
        fmt.Printf("%T\n", inc) // func() int
        fmt.Printf("%#v\n", inc) // (func() int)(0x47f6c0)
        fmt.Println(inc()) // 12
  • Passing functions to variables
    f := func() {
        // body
  • With function signatures and declaration
    func main() {
        var f1 func(string, int) (float64, int)
        f1 := func(a string, b int) (float64, int) {
            // body
            return 5.6, 67


  • A feature that go has which is very rare to have is returning a local variable as a pointer.
    func main() {
        s := sum (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        fmt.Println("The sum is", *s)
    func sum(values *int {
        result : = 0
        for _, v := range values {
            result += v
        return &result // returning local variable as pointer
  • Explanation
    • result variable is declared in the execution stack of the sum function
    • General expectation is that when we come out of sum function its execution stack will be freed up and in other languages this is not a safe operation. You are returning a pointer to a location which just got free.
    • On the other hand in go when it sees that you are returning a local variable as a pointer it is automatically going to promote it to the shared program memory (heap memory)

Last updated: 2022-06-12