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Go DataTypes

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Basic Types

  • int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64: used to represent unsigned (positive) integers.
  • uint is an alias for uint32 or uint64 based on platform.
  • int is an alias for int32 or int64 based on platform.
  • float32, float64: zero before the decimal point separator can be omitted (-.5-3.-0. 1.4).
  • complex64, complex128.
  • byte : alias for uint8
  • rune : alias for int32
    var a rune = 'f'
    fmt.Printf("%T",a) // int32
    fmt.Println(a) // 102 (decimal ascii code of f)
Golang doesn't have a character type it uses byte and rune to distinguish characters from integers.
Double quotes should be used when working with strings

Go - Strings, Runes & Bytes

Composite Types

  • Array has a fixed length, slice has a dynamic length.
    • var numbers = [4]int{1,2,3,4} - Array
    • var numbers = []float32{1.1,2.2} - Slice
    • We can also use walrus operator: number := []string{"hi","ti"}
  • Map is just like dictionary in Python
    test := map[string]int{
        "hi": 34,
        "test": 45,
  • Struct Type (User defined type)
    • A struct is a sequence of named elements, called fields, each of which has a name and a type.
    • A struct can be compared to class concept in Object Oriented Programming.
      type Car struct {
          brand string
          price int
      var tesla Car
      fmt.Printf("%T",tesla) // main.Car
  • Pointer Type
    • A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable
    • The value of an uninitialised pointer is nil
    • var x := 45; ptr := &x - Type of ptr is *int

Converting Types

var x int8 = 4
var y float32 = 5.6
var z = x * int8(y) //20
- In the above example y is not modified but a new int value is returned - int to string is done using Sprintf : x := fmt.Sprintf("%d",45) - Unicode conversion : x := string(65) - A - Converting string to int/float/bool : var f1, err = strconv.ParseInt("45",32) - second parameter is the precision. - Atoi(string to int) and Itoa(int to string)
i, err := strconv.Atoi("-50")
s = strconv.Itoa(20)

// => i Type is int, i value is -50
fmt.Printf("i Type is %T, i value is %v\n", i, i) 

// => s Type is string, s value is "20"
fmt.Printf("s Type is %T, s value is %q\n", s, s) 

Defined Types

  • A defined type also called a named type is a new type created by the programmer from another existing type which is called the underlying or source type
  • A new defined type must have : new name and can have its new methods
  • The underlying type provides the representation, operations and size of the newly defined type
  • Even though the defined type and the source type share the same representation, operations and size they are different types. A new type it's not just an alias for an existing type, it's a completely new type.
    • In the below example underlying type of speed is uint8.
      type speed uint8
      var x speed = 89
      fmt.Printf("%T", x) // main.speed
      var y uint8 = x // error since x is of type main.speed
      var y unit8 = unit8(x) // no error
  • If we want to perform operations between source and defined types we must convert one type into the other type. A type can be converted to another type if they share the same underlying type.
  • There is no type-hierarchy in Go
Why do we need defined types?
  • We can attach methods to newly defined types
  • Type safety: We must convert one type into another to perform operations with them.
  • Readability: When we defined a new type let's say type usd float64 we know that new type represents the US Dollar not only floats
package main

type usd float64

func main() {
    var balance usd = 50.5
// usd is a named type and balance a variable of usd type


  • An alias declaration has the form: type T1=T2 as opposed to a standard type definition which has the form: type T1 T2
  • An alias declaration binds an identifier to the given type. It's the same type with a new name.
Types with different names are different types, but there is an exception to this rule and that is the aliased types.
  • byte and uint8 are aliases or the same type with different names. The same is applicable to rune and int32 because rune is an alias for int32.
  • Aliases can be used together in operations without type conversions we've seen at defined types
You should use aliases with caution, they are not for everyday use!

Last updated: 2022-06-05