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Go Pointers

Links: 103 Golang Index

Why use pointers instead of returning values?
  • When we pass values to functions a copy of them is passed.
  • This isn't problematic when you are passing simple strings or ints which are small in size
  • But if you are passing large data structures to functions a copy of it passed which is a waste of resources and might slow down your program
  • In these cases it is better to pass pointers to these large data structures


  • The Computer Memory (RAM) can be thought of as a sequence of boxes or cells, placed one after another in a line.
  • Each cell is labeled with a unique number (hexadecimal), which increments sequentially; this number is the address of the cell or its memory location.
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220529190604.jpg
  • Each cell holds a single value. Everything the CPU does is fetching and storing values into memory cells.
  • If a number starts with 0x then it means it is a hexadecimal number and most likely an address.

What is a variable

  • A variable is just a convenient, alphanumeric nickname or label for a memory location.
  • When we write var a int = 5 we create a label called a for a memory location where the value 5 of type int will be stored.
In a nutshell: memory is just a series of numbered cells, and variables are just nicknames for memory locations assigned by the compiler.

What is a pointer

  • A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable.
The pointer points to memory address of a variable, just as a variable represents the memory address of a value.
  • A pointer value is the address of a variable or nil if it hasn't been initialised yet.

  • In the below image, variable b has value 156 and is stored at memory address 0x1040a124. The variable a holds the address of b. Now a is said to point to b or a is a pointer to b.

    • attachments/Pasted image 20220529191204.jpg
  • Pointers have the power to mutate or change the data they are pointing to.

    • With a pointer we can read or update the value of a variable directly without knowing the name of the variable.


  • To get the memory address of a variable we use &
  • Pointer is represented as *type
    age := 15
    ptr := &age
    fmt.Println(ptr, &age) // 0xc000018030 0xc000018030
    fmt.Printf("%#v, %T\n", ptr, ptr) // (*int)(0xc000018030), *int
    // to get the address where pointer is stored
    fmt.Println(&ptr) // 0xc00000e028
  • Declaring a pointer
    var ptr1 *int
    // this pointer hasn't been initialised yet and its default value is nil
    fmt.Println(ptr1) // nil
  • Another way of creating a pointer is using the new keyword
    • ptr1 := new(int) // int pointer
  • Dereferencing operator (*)
    • To find the value at the address pointer is pointing to
      age := 15
      ptr := &age
      fmt.Println(*ptr, age) // 15 15 
      *ptr = 45
      fmt.Println(age) // 45
      fmt.Printf("%T", *ptr) // int
  • * is also used for dereferencing apart from declaring the pointer
    • *float64 (type declaration) is completely different from *p
  • We can have a pointer to a pointer
    a := 10
    p1 := &a
    pp1 := &p1
    fmt.Println(*p1) // 10
    fmt.Println(**pp1) // 10
    fmt.Println(a) // 11
    fmt.Printf("%T",pp1) // **int
  • Comparing pointers
    • Pointers are same if both of them are nil or they point to the same variable
      a := 5
      b := 5
      p1 := &a
      p2 := &b
      fmt.Println(p1 == p2) // false

Passing pointers to functions

  • Go allows to paste parameters to functions both by pointers and values
  • If we want to change int, float, bool, string, arrays and struct values in a function rather than their copies then we will have to pass a pointer to the function.
    func f1(a *int) *float64 {
        *a = 56
        b := 10.23
        return &b
    func main() {
        value := 1
        fmt.Println(value) // 1
        ptr := f1(&value)
        fmt.Println(value) // 56
        fmt.Println(*ptr) // 10.23
  • Passing struct as a pointer
    type person struct {
        name string
        age  int
    func f1(p *person) {
        (*p).name = "abc"
        p.age = 45 // same as (*p).age = 45, shortcut offered by go
    func main() {
        p1 := person{
            name: "sarthak",
            age:  23,
        fmt.Println(p1) // {sarthak 23} 
        fmt.Println(p1) // {abc 45}
  • But in case of slice and map when the function changes data actual data is changed.
It is not a good practice to pass arrays to functions instead we should pass slices.
In Go everything is passed by value
  • In other languages when a pointer is passed to a function it is known as pass by reference and this is not correct.
  • Each time we pass an argument to a function even if its a pointer that argument will be copied to a different memory location.
func f1(a *int) {
    fmt.Println("Should be same in f1", a)
    fmt.Println("Different in f1", &a)

func main() {
    value := 1
    ptrval := &value
    fmt.Println("Should be same in main", ptrval)
    fmt.Println("Different in main", &ptrval)
// Should be same in main 0xc000018030
// Different in main 0xc00000e028
// Should be same in f1 0xc000018030
// Different in f1 0xc00000e038
Pass pointers to functions only when it is necessary. Pointers are expensive and put pressure on garbage collector.

Last updated: 2022-06-12