Lambda Advanced
Links: 102 AWS DVA Index
Event and Context Objects¶
- Event object contains details about the event.
- Any type of input arguments, invoking service arguments will be present in the event object.
- Context object contains information about metadata of the function like the request id, log group name, memory limit, etc.
- Provides methods and properties that provide information about the invocation, function, and runtime environment.
- Example:
File system mounting¶
- Lambda functions can access EFS file systems if they are running in a VPC.
- Configure Lambda to mount EFS file systems to local directory during initialisation.
- Must leverage EFS Access Points.
Function URL¶
- Dedicated HTTPs endpoint for your Lambda function
- A unique URL endpoint is generated for you (never changes)
- Supports Resource-based Policies & CORS configurations.
- There are 2 different types of resource based policies
: allow public and unauthenticated access. The resource based policy must grant public access.AWS_IAM
: IAM is used to authenticate and authorise requests.- For the same account either Identity based policy OR resource based policy is required.
- For cross account access both identity based policy AND resource based policy is required.
Last updated: 2023-03-01