CloudFormation Template Components
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- Resources are the core of your CloudFormation template (MANDATORY)
- They represent the different AWS Components that will be created and configured
- Resources are declared and can reference each other
- AWS figures out creation, updates and deletes of resources for us
- Identifier:
- Example:
- Example:
- Parameters are a way to provide inputs to your AWS CloudFormation template
- They're important to know about if:
- You want to reuse your templates across the company
- Some inputs can not be determined ahead of time
- Parameters are extremely powerful, controlled, and can prevent errors from happening in your templates thanks to types.
Referencing a parameter (!Ref
- The
function can be leveraged to reference parameters - Parameters can be used anywhere in a template.
- The shorthand for this in YAML is
- The function can also reference other elements within the template
can be used to refer parameters as well as resources.
Pseudo Parameters¶
- Pseudo parameters are parameters that are predefined by AWS CloudFormation.
- You do not declare them in your template.
- Use them the same way as you would a parameter, as the argument for the Ref function.
- These can be used at any time and are enabled by default.
- Example:
- Example:
Parameter Types¶
Main ones:
– A literal stringNumber
– An integer or floatList<Number>
– An array of integers or floatsCommaDelimitedList
– An array of literal strings that are separated by commas
AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName – An Amazon EC2 key pair name AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id – A security group ID AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id – A subnet ID AWS::EC2::VPC::Id – A VPC ID List<AWS::EC2::VPC::Id> – An array of VPC IDs List<AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id> – An array of security group IDs List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id> – An array of subnet IDs
Mappings (!FindInMap
- Mappings are fixed variables within your CloudFormation Template.
- They're very handy to differentiate between different environments (dev vs prod), regions (AWS regions), AMI types, etc
- All the values are hardcoded within the template
Mappings are great when you know in advance all the values that can be taken. If you want something more user specific then use parameters.
Accessing Map Values
- We use
to return a named value from a specific key !FindInMap [MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey]
Here AWS::Region
is a pseudo parameter.
- The Outputs section declares optional outputs values that we can import into other stacks.
- Outputs cannot be imported if they are not exported.
- You can also view the outputs in the AWS Console or using the AWS CLI
- They're very useful for example if you define a network CloudFormation, and output the variables such as VPC ID and your Subnet IDs
- It's the best way to perform some collaboration cross stack, as you let expert handle their own part of the stack
- Example: Exporting a value
- To import the value we use
Fn::ImportValue function
- Exporting and importing process:
- Create a cross-stack reference and use the Export output field to export the value. Then use
intrinsic function to import the value.
- Create a cross-stack reference and use the Export output field to export the value. Then use
You can't delete a CloudFormation Stack if its outputs are being referenced by another CloudFormation stack
To delete it first, you need to delete the other CloudFormation stacks that reference the exported outputs, then delete it
Whenever question mentions about linking CloudFormation templates go with outputs.
Exported output names must be unique within a single region.
- Use cases for outputs:
- Declares output values that you can import into other stacks (to create cross-stack references),
- Return in response (to describe stack calls)
- View on the AWS CloudFormation console
- Conditions are used to control the creation of resources or outputs based on a condition.
You CANNOT use conditions with parameters.
- Conditions can be whatever you want them to be, but common ones are:
- Environment (dev / test / prod)
- AWS Region
- Any parameter value
- Each condition can reference another condition, parameter value or mapping.
- Logical functions present for us are:
- We define a condition and then reference it
Last updated: 2023-03-03