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Lambda Configuration & Deployments

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Environment Variables

  • Environment variable = key/value pair in String form
  • Adjust the function behaviour without updating code
  • The environment variables are available to your code
  • Lambda Service adds its own system environment variables as well
  • Helpful to store secrets (encrypted by KMS)
    • Secrets can be encrypted by the Lambda service key, or your own CMK
If you want to share encrypted secrets among lambdas then use SecureString from SSM parameter store.

We CANNOT use KMS encrypted environment variables since even though the credentials will be encrypted, these environment variables will only be used by an individual Lambda function, and cannot be shared.

Lambda environment variables can have a maximum size of 4 KB.

Additionally, the direct Encrypt API of KMS also has an upper limit of 4 KB for the data payload. To encrypt 1 MB, you need to use the Encryption SDK and pack the encrypted file with the lambda function.

Logging & Tracing

  • CloudWatch Logs:

    • AWS Lambda execution logs are stored in AWS CloudWatch Logs
    • Make sure your AWS Lambda function has an execution role with an IAM policy that authorises writes to Cloud Watch Logs.
      • It can take 5-10 minutes for logs to show up after a function invocation.
      • If you do not see the logs after this period then it means your lambda is missing execution role.
  • CloudWatch Metrics:

    • AWS Lambda metrics are displayed in AWS Cloud Watch Metrics
    • Invocations, Durations, Concurrent Executions
    • Error count, Success Rates, Throttles
    • Async Delivery Failures
    • Iterator Age (Kinesis & DynamoDB Streams)


  • Enable in Lambda configuration (Active Tracing)
  • Runs the X-Ray daemon for you
  • Use AWS X-Ray SDK in Code
  • Ensure Lambda Function has a correct IAM Execution Role
    • The managed policy is called AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess
    • The same role is also needed in EC2 and EBS.
  • Environment variables used by lambda to communicate with X-Ray
    • _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID: contains the tracing header

Lambda in VPC

Default VPC

  • By default, your Lambda function is launched outside your own VPC (in an AWS-owned VPC)
  • Therefore it cannot access resources in your VPC (RDS, ElastiCache, internal ELB, etc)
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  • To deploy lambda in our VPC:
    • You must define the VPC ID, the Subnets and the Security Groups
    • Lambda will create an ENI (Elastic Network Interface) in your subnets
    • AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole needs to be assigned to the lambda function.
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  • Example:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20220524104601.jpg
    • In the above example RDS security group must allow access from the security group of Lambda.

Internet Access

  • A Lambda function in our VPC does not have internet access
Deploying a Lambda function in a public subnet (which has internet access) does not give it internet access or a public IP

Instead in needs to be deployed in a private subnet and use NAT Gateway in public subnet for internet access. attachments/Pasted image 20220524105942.jpg

  • Deploying a Lambda function in a private subnet gives it internet access if you have a NAT Gateway/Instance.
    • You can use VPC endpoints to privately access AWS services without a NAT. Like DynamoDB
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Lambda CloudWatch Logs works even without endpoint or NAT Gateway

External Dependencies

  • If your Lambda function depends on external libraries, for example AWS X-Ray SDK, Database Clients, etc
  • You need to install the packages alongside your code and zip it together
    • For Node.js, use npm & node_modules directory
    • For Python, use pip --target options
    • For Java, include the relevant jar files
  • Upload the zip straight to Lambda if less than 50MB, else to S3 first
  • Native libraries work: they need to be compiled on Amazon Linux
AWS SDK comes by default with every Lambda function
Your Lambda function must use the Node.js drivers to connect to your RDS PostgreSQL database in your VPC. How do you bundle your Lambda function to add the dependencies?

Put the function and the dependencies in one folder and zip them together.

Lambda with CloudFormation

  • Inline:
    • Code is present in the CloudFormation template
    • For very simple code
    • Cannot include dependencies
    • Done using Code.ZipFile property
      • attachments/Pasted image 20230217151458.jpg
  • Through S3:
    • You must store the Lambda zip in S3
    • You must refer the S3 zip location in the CloudFormation code
      • S3Bucket
      • S3Key: full path to zip
      • S3Object Version: if versioned bucket
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If you update the code in S3, but don't update S3Bucket, S3Key or S3ObjectVersion, CloudFormation won't update your function

In general you would only have to update the S3ObjectVersion if you are uploading the zip with the same file name to the same bucket.

Multiple Accounts

  • We need an execution role and a bucket policy
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Lambda Layers

  • Custom Runtimes
    • For example C++ and Rust
  • Externalise dependencies to re-use them:
    • It can help in reducing the size of deployment.
    • It helps in decreasing the upload time.
    • When we upload code we are not changing code of the libraries used by our function.
    • Lambda layers helps us in reusing the library dependency layer removing the need to upload them again and again when only our application source code changes.
    • We can use AWS lambda layers our create our custom lambda layers.
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Lambda Container Images

  • Deploy Lambda function as container images of up to 10GB from ECR
  • Pack complex dependencies, large dependencies in a container
  • Base images are available for Python, Node.js, Java, NET, Go, Ruby
  • Can create your own image/custom runtime as long as base image implements the Lambda Runtime API
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  • We can build our own images from base images provided by AWS
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  • Test the containers locally using the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator
  • Unified workflow to build apps
  • You must create the Lambda function from the same account as the container registry in Amazon ECR to ensure there are no permission issues.

Lambda Version & Aliases


  • When you work on a Lambda function, we work on $LATEST
  • When we're ready to publish a Lambda function, we create a version
  • Versions are IMMUTABLE
    • Version = code + configuration (nothing can be changed - immutable)
  • Immutable means you cannot the change the code or env variables.
  • Versions have increasing version numbers
  • Versions get their own ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
  • Each version of the lambda function can be accessed


  • Aliases are pointers to Lambda function versions
  • We can define a dev, test, prod aliases and have them point at different lambda versions
  • Aliases are mutable
  • Aliases enable Blue/Green deployment by assigning weights to lambda functions
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  • Aliases enable stable configuration of our event triggers/destinations
  • Aliases have their own ARNs
    • So this means with aliases we can have a static ARNs which always points to the latest version.
Aliases cannot reference aliases

Lambda & CodeDeploy

  • CodeDeploy can help you automate traffic shift for Lambda aliases
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  • Feature is integrated within the SAM framework
  • Linear: grow traffic every N minutes until 100%. There can be n steps.
    • Linear10PercentEvery3Minutes
    • Linear10PercentEvery10Minutes
  • Canary: try X percent then 100%. There are only 2 steps.  
    • Traffic should shift from the previous Lambda function to the new version in the shortest time possible, but you still don't want to shift traffic all-at-once immediately.
    • Canary10Percent5Minutes
    • Canary10Percent30Minutes
  • AllAtOnce: immediate and risky
  • Can create Pre & Post Traffic hooks to check the health of the Lambda function. If anything goes wrong then CodeDeploy can perform a roll back.

Lambda Errors

  • InvalidParameterValueException: This will be returned if one of the parameters in the request is invalid.
    • Example if you provided an IAM role in the CreateFunction API which AWS Lambda is unable to assume.
  • CodeStorageExceededException: If you have exceeded your maximum total code size per account.
  • ResourceConflictException: If the resource already exists.
  • ServiceException: If the lambda service encountered an internal error.

Lambda Invocations

  • In the Invoke API, you have 3 options to choose from for the InvocationType:
    • RequestResponse (default) - Invoke the function synchronously.
      • Keep the connection open until the function returns a response or times out.
      • The API response includes the function response and additional data.
    • Event - Invoke the function asynchronously.
      • Send events that fail multiple times to the function's dead-letter queue (if it's configured).
      • The API response only includes a status code.
    • DryRun - Validate parameter values and verify that the user or role has permission to invoke the function.

Lambda Concurrency

  • If you set the concurrent execution limit for a function, the value is deducted from the unreserved concurrency pool.
    • For example, if your account's concurrent execution limit is 1000 and you have 10 functions, you can specify a limit on one function at 200 and another function at 100. The remaining 700 will be shared among the other 8 functions.
AWS Lambda will keep the unreserved concurrency pool at a minimum of 100 concurrent executions, so that functions that do not have specific limits set can still process requests. So, in practice, if your total account limit is 1000, you are limited to allocating 900 to individual functions.

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For Lambda functions that process Kinesis or DynamoDB streams, the number of shards is the unit of concurrency.

- If your stream has 100 active shards, there will be at most 100 Lambda function invocations running concurrently. This is because Lambda processes each shard’s events in sequence.

You are using an AWS Lambda function to process records in an Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream which has 100 active shards. The Lambda function takes an average of 10 seconds to process the data and the stream is receiving 50 new items per second. There will be at most 100 Lambda function invocations running concurrently. - The Lambda function has 500 concurrent executions is INCORRECT because the number of concurrent executions for poll-based event sources is different from push-based event sources. - This number of concurrent executions would have been correct if the Lambda function is integrated with a push-based even source such as API Gateway or Amazon S3 Events. - Remember that the Kinesis and Lambda integration is using a poll-based event source, which means that the number of shards is the unit of concurrency for the function.

Last updated: 2023-02-19