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Step Functions

Links: 102 AWS DVA Index
Keywords: state machines, multiple lambdas, inventory management, order tracking, decisions, steps, workflows.

Step Functions

  • It allows us to model our workflow as state machines.
  • Use cases:
    • Order fulfilment, Data processing
    • Web applications, Any workflow
  • Written in JSON
    • Amazon states language.
  • Visualisation of the workflow and the execution of the workflow, as well as history (useful for debugging)
  • Start workflow with SDK call, API Gateway, Event Bridge (CloudWatch Event)

Task State

  • Do some work in your state machine
  • Invoke one AWS service
    • Can invoke a Lambda function
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    • Run an AWS Batch job
    • Run an ECS task and wait for it to complete
    • Insert an item from DynamoDB
    • Publish message to SNS, SQS
    • Launch another Step Function workflow
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  • Run an one Activity
    • EC2, Amazon ECS, on-premises
    • Activities poll the Step functions for work
    • Activities send results back to Step Functions
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A Task state ("Type": "Task") represents a single unit of work performed by a state machine.
  • All work in your state machine is done by the type Task.

Information Flow

  • A Step Functions execution receives a JSON text as input and passes that input to the first state in the workflow.
  • Individual states receive JSON as input and usually pass JSON as output to the next state.
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  • In the Amazon States Language, these fields filter and control the flow of JSON from state to state:

    • InputPath
    • OutputPath
    • ResultPath
    • Parameters
  • Both the InputPath and Parameters fields provide a way to manipulate JSON as it moves through your workflow.

    • InputPath can limit the input that is passed by filtering the JSON notation by using a path.
    • The Parameters field enables you to pass a collection of key-value pairs, where the values are either static values that you define in your state machine definition, or that are selected from the input using a path.
    • AWS Step Functions applies the InputPath field first, and then the Parameters field. You can first filter your raw input to a selection you want using InputPath, and then apply Parameters to manipulate that input further, or add new values.
  • The output of a state can be
    • A copy of its input,
    • The result it produces (for example, the output from a Task state’s Lambda function),
    • Or a combination of its input and result.
  • Use ResultPath to control which combination of these is passed to the state output.
  • OutputPath enables you to select a portion of the state output to pass to the next state.
    • This enables you to filter out unwanted information, and pass only the portion of JSON that you care about.
  • Out of these field filters, the ResultPath field filter is the only one that can control input values and its previous results to be passed to the state output.


  • Choice State: Test for a condition to send to a branch (or default branch)
  • Fail or Succeed State: Stop execution with failure or success
  • Pass State: Simply pass its input to its output or inject some fixed data, without performing work.
    • Pass state is generally used for debugging.
  • Wait State: Provide a delay for a certain amount of time or until a specified time/date.
  • Map State: Dynamically iterate steps
  • Task state: Do some work in your state machine
  • Parallel State: Begin parallel branches of execution asynchronously.
Out of all the types of State, only the Task State and the Parallel State can be used to run processes in the state machine.

Go for task state over parallel state if you want synchronous execution.

You want to orchestrate multiple Lambda functions and wait for the result of all of them before making a final decision. What do you recommend?

Step Functions Parallel States and then one final Task State

Error Handling

  • Whole power of step functions
  • All the errors should be handled in the state machine outside of the application code.
  • Any state can encounter runtime errors for various reasons:
    • State machine definition issues (for example, no matching rule in a Choice state)
    • Task failures (for example, an exception in a Lambda function)
    • Transient issues (for example, network partition events)
  • Use Retry (to retry failed state) and Catch (transition to failure path) in the State Machine to handle the errors instead of inside the Application Code.
  • Predefined error codes:
    • States.ALL : matches any error name
    • States.Timeout: Task ran longer than TimeoutSeconds or no heartbeat received
    • States.TaskFailed: execution failure
    • States.Permissions: insufficient privileges to execute code
  • The state may report its own errors
We use catch and retry together for error handling.
catch and retry are NOT separate states but are inside the Task or Parallel state.


  • Evaluated from top to bottom
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  • Fields:
    • ErrorEquals: match a specific kind of error
    • IntervalSeconds: initial delay before retrying
    • BackoffRate: multiple the delay after each retry
    • MaxAttempts: default to 3, set to 0 for never retried
  • When max attempts are reached, the Catch kicks in
  • In the above example we see that changing the error handling logic is very easy.
    • If all these steps would have been inside the lambda function it might have timed out.


  • Evaluated from top to bottom
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  • Fields:
    • ErrorEquals: match a specific kind of error
    • Next: State to send to
    • ResultPath: A path that determines what input is sent to the state specified in the Next field.
  • ResultPath is how you pass errors from the input to the output
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A company plans to conduct an online survey to distinguish the users who bought its product from those who didn't. The survey will be processed by Step Functions which comprises four states that will manage the application logic and error handling of the state machine. It is required to aggregate all the data that passes through the nodes if the process fails. What should the company do to meet the requirements?

Include a Catch field in the state machine definition to capture the error. Then, use ResultPath to include each node's input data with its output.

Standard vs Express Workflow

  • Express workflows are cheaper, run for shorter duration(5 minutes) and don't have an execution history.
    • Standard workflows can run upto 1 year.
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If you need human approval then go for Standard workflows.

Last updated: 2023-02-24