Lambda Miscellaneous
Links: 102 AWS DVA Index
- We use DLQs/Destinations with Lambda in asynchronous and event source mapping.
- For logging:
- For each lambda a log group is created.
- The logs are then grouped into streams. We can find the logs if we go inside a particular stream.
- Best Practices:
- Perform heavy-duty work outside of your function handler
- Connect to databases outside of your function handler
- Initialise the AWS SDK outside of your function handler
- Pull in dependencies or datasets outside of your function handler
- Use environment variables for:
- Database Connection Strings, S3 bucket, etc... don't put these values in your code
- Passwords, sensitive values, etc can be encrypted using KMS
- Minimise your deployment package size to its runtime necessities
- Break down the function if need be
- Remember the AWS Lambda limits
- Use Layers where necessary
- Perform heavy-duty work outside of your function handler
- Avoid using recursive code, never have a Lambda function call itself. This can become very expensive.
Last updated: 2023-02-25