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Keywords: notification


  • It is used when we want to send one message to many receivers.
  • For example a buying service can send a message to the buying service, fraud service etc. This is cumbersome since every time we have to add a new receiver we have to code that integration. Instead we should prefer to use the pub/sub model. The buying service will publish the message on a SNS topic and all the receivers will be able to subscribe to that topic.

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  • In SNS the event producer sends message to only one SNS topic. There is only one producer and many consumers(also known as listeners/subscriber).

  • Each subscriber to the topic will get all the messages. Although there is an option to filter the messages.
  • We can have upto 12M subscriptions on a topic.
  • We can have upto 100K topics in SNS.
  • Different subscribers
    • AWS Services:
      • Lambda
      • SQS
      • Kinesis Data Firehose
    • Other:
      • Email
      • SMS
      • Mobile Notifications
      • HTTP/HTTPS
  • Many services can send data directly to SNS for notifications.
    • Like CloudWatch alarms
    • S3 bucket events.
In SNS data is not persisted so if not delivered then data is lost.

How to Publish

  • Topic Publish (using SDK):

    • Create a topic
    • Create a subscription (or many)
    • Publish to the topic
  • Direct Publish (for mobile apps SDK)

    • Create a platform application
    • Create a platform endpoint
    • Publish to the platform endpoint
    • Works with Google GCM, Apple APNS, Amazon ADM...


SQS + SNS fan out

  • We want a message to be sent to multiple SQS queues. If we send it individually to all the queues then there can be problems like application crashes or delivery failures.
  • We use the fan out pattern. Push the message in SNS topic and multiple queues will subscribe to this topic.

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  • Fully decoupled model and there is no data loss.

  • SQS will give us data persistence, delayed processing and retries for work.
  • We can easily add more SQS queues as subscribers over time.
For this to work we need to make sure that SQS access policy allows write from SNS
Use case of fanout: S3 Events

For the same combination of event type (eg: object create) and prefix (eg: /images) we can create only one S3 event rule. With this we can only use a single SQS queue. To use multiple queues we use fan out pattern.

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SNS to S3 via Kinesis Data Firehose

This is possible since SNS can directly send data to KDF. attachments/Pasted image 20220519210420.jpg


  • The topic name must end with .fifo
  • Subscribers can only be SQS FIFO queues.
  • We get similar features to SQS FIFO like ordering (group ID) and deduplication.
  • This is useful if we need fanout + ordering + deduplication
  • Limited throughput (same throughput as SQS FIFO)

SNS Message Filtering

  • JSON policy to filter messages sent to SNS topic’s subscriptions.
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  • If the subscription doesn’t have a filter policy it will receive every message. We can have it like this and filter the messages at the application level but it is unnecessary wastage of resources.

Last updated: 2022-05-19