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VPC Flow Logs

Links: 101 AWS SAA Index

VPC Flow Logs

  • Capture information about IP traffic in the VPC.
  • Used for GuardDuty for security.
  • They can be at the VPC level or the subnet level or at the ENI level. Go for interface level for more security
  • They are very helpful in troubleshooting connectivity issues.
  • The logs can be sent to two destinations: S3 and CloudWatch Logs.
  • They also capture information for AWS managed interfaces like ALB, ElastiCache, Redshift, NATGW etc
  • The logs have a specific syntax and it is best to analyse it using Athena.
  • To troubleshoot issues with you VPC look at the action (ACCEPT/REJECT) field.
  • Architecture to alert when we have too many SSH access in the VPC:
    • attachments/Pasted image 20230308091820.jpg
After you've created a flow log, you CANNOT change its configuration or the flow log record format.

For example, you CANT associate a different IAM role with the flow log or add or remove fields in the flow log record. Instead, you can delete the flow log and create a new one with the required configuration.

Last updated: 2023-03-11