Inspector & Macie
Links: 101 AWS SAA Index
- Automated Security Assessments
- For EC2 instances
- Leveraging the AWS System Manager (SSM) agent. EC2 instances must have the SSM agent.
- Analyse against unintended network accessibility
- Analyse the running OS against known vulnerabilities
- For Container Images pushed to Amazon ECR
- For Lambda Functions
- Identifies software vulnerabilities in function code and package dependencies.
- Assessment of functions as they are deployed.
- Reporting & integration with AWS Security Hub.
- Send findings to Amazon Event Bridge.
Only for EC2 instances, Container Images & Lambda functions.
- Package vulnerabilities (EC2, ECR & Lambda) - database of CVE
- Network reachability (EC2)
- Like port 22 is accessible from the internet.
- A risk score is associated with all vulnerabilities for prioritisation.
- Amazon Macie is a fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data in AWS.
- Discover sensitive data in S3 bucket.
- PII (Personally identifiable information) is an important term to remember.
Last updated: 2023-03-06